Thursday, September 19

Luis Rubiales breaks the silence to denounce “persecution” and the absence of “separation of powers in Spain”

This Friday, Luis Rubiales has decided to break the silence and move on to the counterattack after learning the position of the Administrative Court of Sport (TAD) and with an explosive statement, he denounced being the victim of a persecution and absence of separation of powers by the government of Spain.

Through your account at X (previously Twitter), rubiales He shared a link that redirects to an extensive statement in which he thoroughly reviews various aspects of the scandal caused by the kiss on the mouth that he gave to Jennifer Beautiful during the celebration of the Spanish team in Australia after winning the Women’s World Cup 2023.

“I am especially concerned that some of those who should proclaim and help guarantee the separation of powers in our country, insist on taking part and pressing against me, instead of letting justice act with all the guarantees, staying on the sidelines. ”he stated.

“During this entire period I have suffered an unprecedented political and media lynching from which I have remained completely on the fringes. Not only nationally, but globally.”he pointed.

Statement before the TAD Resolution published today, Friday, September 1, 2023.

Thank you for the countless shows of support received.

— Luis Rubiales (@LuisRubiales17) September 1, 2023

The now suspended president due to the latest resolution of the FIFAbreaks the silence after the controversial Assembly last week at the headquarters of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF). His statement begins by assuming blame and issuing requests for apologies.

“Last August 20, I made some obvious mistakes, which I sincerely regret from the bottom of my heart. It is true that for such errors I have asked forgiveness because it was just; and now I do it again with humility. I do it convinced and with the purpose of improving ”, he began.

“I have learned that no matter how great the joy and deep the emotion, even when a WORLD CUP is WON, exemplary behavior must be demanded of sports leaders, and mine was not,” he added, before starting a request of apologies.

“Therefore, I reiterate, once again, my apologies for this to the soccer players, the federation and other soccer bodies in a clear, emphatic and unmitigated manner. Also to the football fans and to all those who may have been offended by my actions (…) it is my only version, the one that I have maintained from the beginning and I continue to defend and I am not going to modify it, ”he declared.

In the second part of his writing, rubiales He went on to defend himself, ensuring that he will continue to provide evidence, expert opinions, documentation, videos and collaborate to clarify the entire controversy.. “In this sense, I have also resorted to the procedure opened by FIFA to defend my position,” he specified.

The epilogue of the letter was dedicated to the resolution of the tadorganization that decided to open a file to rubialesbut qualifying the actions as serious. It should be remembered that it was necessary for them to be classified as “very serious” so that the Higher Sports Council (CSD) could disqualify the manager.

“Today, the tad He has decided to open a file on me. As there is no reason, according to the resolution supported by said body, to classify any action as VERY SERIOUS, a provisional suspension may not be applied for the CSD Board of Directors”, said.

rubiales She ended her statement with a protest message for her defense and the feminist collective. “In the name of Feminism, you should not try to sink a man —or a woman— without a fair trial. Equality goes from identical rights for all. Justice is applied to people without the gender having to previously mark the result”.

Keep reading:
· Luis Rubiales’ uncle accuses him of being a sexist and uncovers an alleged commission that would have made it easier for Gerard Piqué to win
· Mother of Luis Rubiales leaves the hospital and ends her hunger strike
The continuity of coach of the Spanish women’s team is suspended due to the Luis Rubiales scandal