Sunday, September 22

From Raúl de Molina to Jimena Gállego: This is how celebrities reacted to Luis Fonsi's statements about Adamari López

Luis Fonsi.
Luis Fonsi.

Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images

Just a few hours after ruling for the first time in more than a decade on his divorce with Adamari Lopezthe singer Luis Fonsi It has not ceased to be the target of conversations among Internet users, and even celebrities! Here we share the list of celebrities who have spoken out about the controversy.

It was during his visit to the ‘MoluscoTV’ podcast that the Puerto Rican decided to break the silence about the scandal that has continued to torment him since 2010.

“Yes, I put out a statement at that moment when they attacked me and I stated the facts, I said: ‘Look, this is what happened. I got married and four years later I made the decision to separate, to divorce, because I wasn’t happy. Men and women deserve to be happy. If there is something that is not working, you have to raise your hand and say ‘hey, I also want to be happy’”, commented the famous.


Despite the questions in which he sought to know his side of the story in the face of the accusations of infidelity that Adamari López made in his book ”, Luis Fonsi assured that “I am never going to give details, to remove dirty laundry, never I am going to say a negative word about her (…) I have decided to keep the beautiful moments ”.

Celebrities react to Luis Fonsi’s comments

It was not long before dozens of users replicated the singer’s interview, making it reach the ears of celebrities who did not hesitate to speak about it.

Such was the case of the presenter Raúl de Molina, who during the most recent broadcast of the program ‘El Gordo y La Flaca’ expressed his surprise when he heard the interpreter of ‘Despacito’ break the silence after more than a decade.

“It seems to me that 14 years is a bit far away to be talking about this now,” said the presenter. “On the other hand, you remember all the criticism that Luis Fonsi received when he divorced Adamari because they said that if he did it because Adamari had cancer that obviously, and I think so, that one thing had nothing to do with the other. ”.

“As he says he was not happy in the relationship (…) They had other problems in this relationship and that’s why they divorced. And we fully understand it. And I know Adamari López very well since she arrived in this country from Puerto Rico, brought by her representative at that time, so I don’t think one thing had anything to do with the other. What does seem to me is that after 14 years to get this out in a song“he added.

For her part, Jimena Gállego was in complete agreement with Luis Fonsi, supporting his decision to defend himself against the attacks he has been a victim of after his separation from Adamari López.

“Many people turned against him precisely because of everything that Adamari was experiencing at that time and Adamari has shared a lot about his life and that stage of his life with us as an audience and I think it was his turn to comment on something as well. I think he did it in a respectful way,” he said.

Finally, the host of ‘En Casa con Telemundo’, Carlos Adyan did not save anything either and argued that although the time to give statements about his divorce has passed, he has the right to give his version of the story.

“If they ask me, I say that if he had not spoken in 14 years, he should not have spoken now, but they also asked him, so he has the right to answer the question. And apart from the interview there were quotes and everything from Adamari’s book that put him in a certain way on paper, I mean, uncomfortable that he had to answer, that is, there was no other way, “he said.

Keep reading:

• Luis Fonsi speaks for the first time about his divorce from Adamari López: “They would not believe me”
• This is how Luis Fonsi responded to the criticism of his new song for allegedly indirectly to Adamari López
• Tunden Luis Fonsi in networks for alleged indirection to his ex Adamari López