Sunday, September 29

Anahí assures that in 'El Gordo y La Flaca' “they made fun of her anorexia and bulimia very ugly”

The singer and actress Anahí suffered from anorexia and bulimia years ago. Now, in an interview, she dared to tell how his beginnings on television were and the difficult moments he faced when he Show business would have made “mocks” about their eating disorders.

Anahí Puente Portillo -better known as Anahí- had an interview with the journalist Joaquín López-Doriga, where she opened her heart and talked about her artistic career in the artistic medium with ups and downs.

One of the hardest moments that the remembered ‘Mía Colucci’ from the soap opera ‘Rebelde’ spoke about was anorexia and bulimia. She confessed that especially She felt “exposed” and “judged” by the press, which in her opinion “mocked a lot” of what she was experiencing at a time when she weighed “38 kilos.”

What shows did you feel made fun of?

At the time when she faced severe mental and physical health problems due to anorexia and bulimia, she assured that there were television programs from Mexico and other countries that made fun of her situation, something that also affected her.

According to his story, in shows they allegedly made fun of her to the point of asking her cruel questions and even putting her to eat in the dynamics in which she was going to participate.

“The press, in the same programs where my house was supposed to be, is not against Televisa, it is what was happening at that moment. Body shaming was a horrible subject, they made fun of me in the programs, they made me eat ”, commented.

When asked about the name of the shows that she felt attacked her at that time, she said: “Oh! ‘El Gordo y La Flaca’, ‘La Oreja’, all those programs that don’t even exist today I think (…) They made fun of my problem very ugly… Because, also, I first tried to deny it, but it was already something that was so obvious that I faced it and tried to express it, but it was worse because they made fun of it a lot.”

Anorexia and bulimia almost cost him his life

In the interview, López-Doriga said that she stopped eating for days and that she even ate ice “to deceive the stomach.” As she recounted, she asked that no one take those ideas from her interview because she did very dangerous things that put her between life and death. death.

“I could go five or six days without eating. Sometimes she ate a grapefruit, sometimes she ate ice to trick her stomach. Then, when I couldn’t take it anymore, the binges would come and I would vomit a lot,” he pointed.

Anahí said that there came a point where her body collapsed and one day traveling in a cousin’s car she felt very bad and that was when she had a heart attack.

“One day with my cousin Alicia it was morning and we were in her car. I told her that I felt bad and my heart was pounding and I felt as if my stomach was turning inside out ”counted.

How did your health problems start?

According to Anahí’s account, her nightmare began when she was a teenager after a comment she received from a television producer about her physical appearance.

“When I start to grow and enter adolescence, there is a difficult age in which you are no longer the little girl, but you are not the woman either… I go to Televisa and they tell me: ‘we are going to do the new version of Quinceañera.’ And I said ‘I want to do it’”, started saying.

Later, the actress specified that when she found out about this project, she had no battle with her mental health because of her weight, but it was then that the producer told her that the protagonists supposedly had to be “skinny.”

“They summon me to the office of the person who was going to produce that soap opera and they told me: ‘we are going to do the soap opera and it would be incredible if you were the protagonist. But Anahí, the leading ladies are skinny, the leading ladies are very pretty and you’re chubby.’“Recalled the RBD member.

Although the interviewer asked her the name of that person who marked her, she preferred to keep his identity because she assured that she is fond of him and made it clear that it was not Pedro Damián.

“I would not like to say his name because poor man, if I say it, they will… I love him, he is not a bad person, at the time he was doing his thing, but he had no idea what his words marked on a human being” , said.
Keep reading:
– Maite Perroni lived the most painful moment at the RBD concert | VIDEO
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