Saturday, September 21

Video: Thief intended to rob a pastry shop and ended up imploring help after the intelligent reaction of the employee

“Mommy, help me,” the offender is heard shouting in the midst of his despair.

Photo: MilenioTV / Courtesy

robert bustamante

Despite the fact that the state of Campeche is considered one of the calmest Mexican entities due to its low rates of violence and insecurity, the region is not spared from some crimes, such as robberies on businesses.

One of them occurred recently in the municipality of San Francisco, when a man entered a pastry shop to try to steal the money that was in the cash register, as well as take away the belongings of the business employee.

However, the offender did not have the timely reaction of the womanwho in an act of courage and cunning left the criminal locked up, a fact that was recorded by a security camera in the pastry shop.

The images show the moment in which the thief, dressed in a blue shirt and white cap, enters the place to address the employee directly. Seeing this, the woman asked him to leave the store, but the man told her that he was stealing.

Subsequently, he approached the collection box of the pastry shop and asked the seller for the cell phone. While the assailant was distracted by the search for money and valuables, the employee left the place.

But that was not all, because instead of running for help, the victim decided to lower the metal curtain of the business and put the padlocksso the offender was caught in a trap from which he could not get out.

Frustrated, the man began to look for a way to escape from the place, but realizing that there was no other way out, he changed his attitude and began to scream for help. “Mommy, help me,” he is heard screaming in the midst of his despair.

At the end of the video, it is observed that the assailant moved one of the furniture in the place to hinder the entrance, and with a fire extinguisher he broke a window located on the other side of the establishment in order to escape, but to no avail.

According to the Milenio newspaper, the authorities responded to the vendor’s call and arrived at the pastry shop. The man, who already had a criminal record, decided to turn himself in to the authorities present at the scene.

Keep reading:
– They tied him to a post and beat him: Residents lynch a thief who tried to rob a house in Hidalgo.
– “This happens to me for a rat”: CJNG hitmen showed the punishment they imposed on three thieves in Jalisco.