Sunday, September 22

Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears fights for health. He has lost 25 pounds and they are going to operate on him.

Jamie Spears looking for her daughter at a Los Angeles hospital in 2008. Britney Spears at an event in 2018.
Jamie Spears looking for her daughter at a Los Angeles hospital in 2008. Britney Spears at an event in 2018.

Photo: The Grosby Group. /Getty Images

Things get worse around the singer Britney Spears. In the midst of her divorce from sam asghari, it was revealed that his dad, Jamie Spears, has been in and out of the hospital, looks haggard and lost 25 pounds. Reason for which TMZ has said that The Princess of Pop could be considering a reunion with him.

Jamie Spears / Britney Spears. Photo: Getty Images.

Apparently, Jamie Spears He has been visiting the hospital very often, as several doctors suspected that something was wrong with his kidneys. However, it was an infection that she developed as a result of surgery that was performed 16 years ago. In the same they replaced his knees and now This is causing serious health problems for Britney Spears’ father.

the interpreter of Give More and Mind Your Business, of course he has no contact with his father Jamie Spears after the lengthy trial and the allegations he made about the legal guardianship he lived through for 13 years. However, His brother, Byren Spears, told the singer that his father was presenting these ups and downs of health and that they would operate on him this Friday.

Britney Spears’ dad Jamie Spears longs for a reconciliation

It is known that Jaime Spears himself has already been informed that his daughter has been considering a possible reconciliation with him. This same source who spoke with TMZ and who is on the side of Britney Spears, assures that she fears that life will trip her up again and that it will be too late to recover her relationship with her father.

The insider also said that Britney’s dad is happy with this news.. According to the same web portal, Britney Spears has very little contact with people and relatives in her daily life. One of them is the expert Hollywood divorce lawyer she hired, Laura Wesser. She herself said that she would be in negotiations with Sam Asghari’s lawyer to reach a definitive agreement; and his manager.

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari.

When Britney broke her silence about her breakup with Asghari He made it clear that, although he considers that it is a very private event and that it is not anyone’s problem, “The pain was killing her.” So it is not surprising, and even less in the midst of this health situation that his father is facing, that she wants to be close and maybe try to fix what’s broken.

Britney Spears made very strong statements about Jamie Spears in the past

Let us remember that during the sessions in the trial to free himself from the oppressive legal guardianship of her father Jaime Spears and other tutors she had, the singer made shocking and very strong statements about his father. One of them is that she had no access to money or technology. other than was forced to use an intrauterine device to avoid getting pregnant and also that they made him take any number of medications on a daily basis.

Even so, in all the interventions that Jaime Spears had, she always said that she had no bad intentions with her daughter and that what she did, in a certain way, was to protect her. However, The singer’s fans, through the #freebritney movement, managed to get The Princess of Pop released from her father’s guardianship.

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After the trial is over, Britney Spears’ family, including Jaime Spears, reviewed the prenup before she married Sam Asghari. Everyone agreed.

As we revealed a few days ago, the actor of Iranian origin and also a physical trainer, would not keep anything, beyond the gifts that the singer has given him. However, a source from Asghari’s side, who also spoke to TMZ, said that His lawyer had requested a renegotiation of the agreement, as he alleges a family business and work time spent on the singer.

However, it has been pointed out that He himself knows a lot of private information about the singer and that surely this is resolved with a new confidentiality agreement and a good sum of money. Until the moment this note is closed, it is not known if Britney Spears will be during the surgery that will be performed on her father at the end of this week.

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