Monday, September 23

José Manuel Figueroa sends a hard message to Ninel Conde after comparison with Luis Miguel | VIDEO

Megan Negrete

Now the controversy has already started in a big way, because Ninel Conde He opened Pandora’s box, and his ex-partner did not like anything Jose Manuel Figueroathat he compares it with Luis Migueland unless he is divulging it, because for him, that is not fair, since it is not equitable.

And he’s really right, well now the artists had a fever to talk and we could even say “inventing”, that they hung out with Luis Miguelbecause of many there is not a single proof that this could even happen.

Despite this, they do not stop, on the contrary, they spend their time showing off the alleged encounters they had with the “Sol de México”. Even celebrities like Alicia Machado have pointed out that she is a star for her resume.

But if Luismi did it, would they take it with the same calm and not raise their voice? I sure don’t. But the singer never speaks, for better or for worse, so they feel free to say what they want about him, but it’s not something Joan Sebastian’s son agrees with.

Who was questioned after the contradictions of his ex-partner, Ninel Conde, who after revealing in “Secrets of the Indomitable” that she rejected Luis Miguel, now it turns out that she did have a relationship with him.

In a talk with the controversial program “El Gordo y la Flaca”, Ninel was asked who was the better lover, Luismi or José Manuel Figueroa, and she only said: “My love, the ‘Sun’ will shine forever.”

Given this, José Manuel was questioned about this, and in a somewhat annoying tone he was very clear about his position on this type of revelation that seems to have become fashionable to generate fame.

“Today we live in a supposed world where there must be equity, equality, right? So, if I start to brag or say things about who is a better lover than who or who is hotter than the other old woman or to whom The operation turned out better or which one is better in which position, then that is where equality between men and women is lost”


José Manuel Figueroa pointed out for the Hoy Program. This led to the support of the cast of the Televisa morning show, Well, they assure that, if the roles were reversed, he would now almost be lynching him and would be “cancelled”, because if a man does it, it is politically incorrect and a woman isn’t?

And finally, like the gentleman that he has sometimes exposed, Figueroa, he sent a little message to his ex-partner: “I send her a kiss. She is prettier than ever. She is exercising a lot.”

Ninel Conde gives details of her supposed romance with Luis Miguel

Ninel Conde it confuses us more and more, because we really no longer know when he is telling the truth or not. Well, after she declared on the Canela TV reality show “Secretos de Indomables”, that she was denied Luis Miguel and practically told him NO. Now it turns out that it is the opposite.

In a brief meeting that Ninel had with the American press, the protagonist of “Rebelde” revealed that she was indeed a sentimental partner of “Sol de México”. He even took the opportunity to give details of how his romance with the singer of “La Incondicional” was.

Ninel assured that their relationship was “incredible”. He assured that the interpreter of “Now you can leave” is a “gentleman” and a “great guy”, but unfortunately it was not the right time for their relationship.

“Everything came out, we were gossiping. Incredible, he is a gentleman, a great guy. At that time it was not the moment ” NINEL COUNT

Keep reading:
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Ninel Conde changes her version and now gives details of her supposed romance with Luis Miguel | VIDEO
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Ninel Conde launches a tremendous compliment to Luis Miguel and leaves his ex, José Manuel Figueroa, in a bad light