Monday, September 23

Adele declared that she suffered from postpartum depression

Adele’s hits They have positioned her as one of the female artists with the most Grammys, but not everything has been rosy in her life, the British confessed that she had difficult times after the birth of her son.

The British interpreter of “Easy On Me” is one of the most successful and talented singers in the artistic world. Throughout her career, she has won several Grammy Awards and an Oscar for her song “Skyfall”, the soundtrack of the movie Agent 007, James Bond.

Adele gave birth to her son Angelo in 2012, since then her life changed completely, because in an interview given in 2016 to a medium, she declared that she felt she had lost her freedom, and now she had to prioritize her life for someone else.

The singer shared that she also suffered from postpartum depression, she even said that before becoming a mother she had already been treated psychologically, since she is a person who can easily fall into depression, so she already knew that this could happen to her.

The interpreter of “Rolling in the Deep”, she mentioned that she had suffered from depression after having Angelo, something that scared her, since she was afraid to tell anyone else.

Simon Konecki, Angelo’s father, asked her to seek help and despite the fact that at first she refused to do so, she did manage to seek comfort with other mothers, “Four of my friends felt the same way as I did, and we were all ashamed to talk about it”, commented in an interview for Vanity Fair in 2016.

Adele she treated her condition and managed to overcome this stage, which is complicated for many women who experience it. In this regard, she mentioned that she did not feel depressed again, and she was able to get out of postpartum depression.

She added that over time, and as her child gets older, parenting becomes easier, as children can easily communicate their needs and wants.

Adele she managed to get out of depression and is enjoying her motherhood and her music, giving concerts to her thousands of fans. Angelo is currently a few months away from his 11th birthday, and he stays out of the limelight, leading a private life.

An addiction that was hard to give up

Her willpower in quitting smoking and losing 150 pounds helped her overcome her addiction to coffee. The withdrawal syndrome has been really hard on her.

In a statement to the British outlet The Sun, the London artist revealed that she has given up caffeine and that the process has been really difficult, causing her numerous disorders. “This week I decided to stop drinking coffee and I have had a migraine all week.

I had a terrible headache for two days because I quit. My head was pounding. It was like there was a drill inside my head. It was too much. It was harder than quitting, harder than when you want to stop drinking,” she admitted.

The singer experienced them in the first person and tried to combat them. “I drank about 25 decaf coffees yesterday trying to trick the brain into thinking I was drinking coffee,” he confessed, adding that “caffeine and adrenaline must be the same thing because the moment I went on stage and everyone started singing, my headache went away a bit.”

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