Saturday, October 26

Elon Musk promised to remove this feature from Twitter, but may not be able to deliver

Julian Castillo

Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly known as Twitter), has announced that he will soon remove the feature that allows users to block other accounts., a feature that has long been considered essential for security on the platform. According to Musk, this action will be carried out, with the exception of direct messages (DM).

In a response to a post from the Tesla account, which promotes the electric car company where Musk serves as CEO, eThe owner of X expressed his intention to remove the block option, without providing a specific rationale or a defined time frame. to carry out this change. Musk simply argued that there is “no point” in keeping this feature and reaffirmed that the mute feature will continue to be available.

Nevertheless, the Twitter Notes team warned that removing the blocking feature would be hit with obstacles due to policies implemented by the Apple and Google app stores. These policies require social media apps to have mechanisms to block and mute other users, as a measure to prevent bullying and harmful content on their platforms. Removing this feature could jeopardize X’s presence in such app stores, resulting in possible removal from the platform.

Blocking has been instrumental in allowing users to control who interacts with them online and protecting themselves from offensive content, stalkers, and threats.. Its removal could expose users to more spam, threats, and other types of harmful content. In addition, it could create an environment in which harassment and bullying are more common, negatively affecting the user experience on the platform.

If Twitter removes the blocking option, the social network is exposed to the possibility that both the App Store and the Play Store choose to remove it from their application repositories. This would have a direct effect on the ability of the platform to be available in its mobile version.

Keep reading:
– The mysterious reappearance of blue badges on some of the most followed Twitter accounts
– Twitter will start paying you for the viral content you post: What do you need to start earning money?
– This is the time you have from now if you want to modify a tweet