Monday, October 21

The history of Kremlin-related poisonings

The Kremlin may have been behind the poisoning of three prominent Russian journalists living in exile, according to a recent investigation by the Russian online portal The Insider. The investigation highlights that the journalists were known for their open stance against the Kremlin.

Natalia Arno, Elena Kostyuchenko and Irina Bablojan, the three exiled journalists named in the report, were admitted to hospital after experiencing disconcerting and unexplained symptoms.

These recent alleged poisonings are the latest in a series of poisonings targeting opponents and critics of the Kremlin, as poison has long been a weapon used by Russian security services to silence prominent political dissidents.

In some cases, evidence linking them closely to the Russian state has emerged, while others remain a mystery, with the Kremlin insistently denying their involvement.

Here is a timeline of some poisonings that have occurred in the last 20 years.

2022: the alleged poisoning of a sanctioned oligarch

Russian oligarch and Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich showed symptoms of suspected poisoning during peace talks on the Ukraine-Belarus border in March 2022.

Along with Abramovich, a group of Ukrainian negotiators also suffered severe symptoms, including red eyes, tearing, and skin problems. Although Abramovich temporarily lost his vision, he later regained it. Western countries have sanctioned Abramovich for his close ties to the Kremlin. A Foundation Investigation bellingcat it continues to attribute the attack to warmongering hardliners in Moscow, seeing it more as a warning against peace negotiations than a deadly attack.

2020: Novichok attack against Navalny

In August 2020, anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny fell seriously ill on a flight within Russia, prompting an emergency landing. He subsequently he was transferred to Germany for treatment. Several independent laboratories confirmed the presence of Novichok, a nerve agent, in his system. Navalny accused the Kremlin, which Moscow denied. The incident soured Russia’s already tense relations with Western countries and triggered a series of sanctions against Russian officials.

In December 2020, the British daily The Times accused the Russian government of a second assassination attempt on the Kremlin critic before he was flown to Berlin for further treatment. Navalny recovered and returned to Russia, where he was detained, sparking further international protests.

2018: poisoning of a double agent

In 2018, former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with the Novichok nerve agent in Salisbury, UK. Both Skripal and his daughter survived the poisoning after receiving medical treatment. The then British Prime Minister, Theresa May, condemned it, assuring that it had been a direct act of Russia. The Kremlin denied her involvement and accused Britain of the poisoning.

Poison attacks against former presidents

In 2004, Ukraine’s pro-European leader Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin during his presidential bid against Russian-backed Viktor Yanukovych. He survived the attack but suffered permanent disfigurement, marked by severe scarring and facial blemishes. Yushchenko’s opponent, the pro-Russian Yanukovych, won the election.

In addition to Yushchenko, former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, who was detained by the Tbilisi authorities last year, also claimed that Russian agents inside the Georgian intelligence service tried to poison him in prison. Speaking to Political, In March, Saakashvili said he “was close to death” as a result of the attack and has been in poor health ever since.

2006: poisoning of a former Russian spy

Former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned to death in London in 2006. A critic of Putin, he defected from Russian intelligence services and took refuge in London in 2004. About two years later, Litvinenko shared tea with former Russian agents Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun at a central London hotel. He fell ill right after and died weeks later. UK and EU investigations singled out Lugovoi as the prime suspect, suggesting Putin “probably” approved of the assassination.