Monday, September 23

Talina Fernández's grandson and Mariana Levy's son confessed that he sells basket tacos and chilaquiles to survive | VIDEO

Megan Negrete

Mrs. Talina Fernandez, one of the greatest Mexican hosts of the last century who made history on Hispanic television, died a few days ago, and the controversies in her family do not stop. As is the case of the homelessness that her grandson, José Emilio Fernández Levy, now lives.

Who decided to break the silence after the death of his famous grandmother and confess that he is not having a good time since, in addition to the death of his beloved grandmother, his father left him to fend for himself and with a million-dollar debt.

The famous “Pirru”, widower of José Emilio’s mother, the also deceased Mariana Levy, does not stop being news, since he has been questioned a lot about the helplessness in which he has left the children he had with Mariana, Paula and Jose Emilio.

Well, he would have misused the assets that Mariana Levy left her children as an inheritance. For this reason, she decided to open her heart for the show program “Ventaneando” where he confessed how the status of his mother’s inheritance is, and how the distance with his family has been, something that he does not like at all.

Even José Emilio made it known that at the age of 19, he is going through a very poor economic situation, to the point that the water and electricity have already been cut off in the place where he lives, and what he does to survive is selling food such as tacos de basket and even chilaquiles.

“I am working on everything, I am selling basket tacos, chilaquiles. A month ago we were able to reach an agreement with the judge for a monthly payment for 2 or 3 months until I get a job, but that is not enough for me”


José Emilio lost his mother when he was just 1 year 3 months old. Therefore, the situation of what his mother left behind has been more complicated than expected, since he did not know much about what his deceased mother left behind.

But what is clear is that his father left the house in which he now lives with a debt of more than half a million dollars as a result of his father not paying the maintenance and other expenses of said house that belonged to Mariana Levy. .

José Emilio pointed out that a little over a year ago he had a very strong fight with his father, so he left home to go live with his grandmother, Talina Fernández, who left part of her inheritance to her three grandchildren. , although it has not yet been distributed.

What yes, is that José Emilio recognized that he no longer has contact with his father, because he recognizes that it hurts him a lot to be close to him, and for that reason he has decided to distance himself. And at the same time he assures that he does not know what his father lives on, since he does not know any job for her. And he also revealed that the issue of his mother’s inheritance has brought him big problems.

“It is horrible, the truth is that this inheritance, instead of bringing me good things, has brought me pure horrible things, it has distanced me from my family very ugly. Really right now I am very alone, my father left, my grandmother just passed away. María and I, unfortunately, we have no relationship, although right now we are making progress in trusting each other again. After my grandmother’s death, the first thing I did was hug María and talk to her, and tell her to stop now, to be well.” JOSE EMILIO FERNANDEZ LEVY

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