Monday, September 30

Laura Bozzo lashes out at Laura Zapata after controversial statements: “Hang on my te*#s”

Genesis Bastidas

The actress Laura Zapata He had a meeting with the press this week in which he hinted that he would not like to work with Laura Bozzo because “there are levels, even in dogs there are breeds”.

The words of Thalia’s older sister blew up “Miss Laura” who shared a video through her social networks to talk about what happened and what her opinion is.

“Oh, I just listened to Laurita Zapata. Oh, my queen, yes, I heard it on Telemundo. She says there are levels. Gossip, gossip, gossip; that the breed, that the dogs, I don’t know what ”, The television host began saying ironically.

Bozzo described Zapata’s words as meaningless nonsense in reference to her and therefore decided to speak out to give her some recommendations.

“So pending*$#& he said, and of course he meant me. ‘Ubicaína’, Laura Zapata, sorry, never compare yourself to anyone, that’s ridiculous”said.

Likewise, the Peruvian lawyer detailed what opinion she has of the Mexican actress: “Who are you to me? Well, an actress, good at playing the role of bad and who has now resurfaced on the cooking reality show, queens… I don’t know what the program is called; and for fighting with Lucía Méndez“.

Laura Bozzo assured that in no way will she enter into a controversy to argue with her namesake Laura Zapata because she feels like a “queen”.

“I am not going to enter into that game of fighting with you. ‘I’m the queen’, they know me all over the world, me. Not because of an actress, because of a host, because of a lawyer, because of a doctor in political science and much more”he commented.

To end his video he sentenced: “I send you blessings, my dear love; really many blessings and if it helps you to talk about me to have a headline: ‘hang on my te*#s’”

Keep reading:
– Laura Bozzo appears with a battered face and explains what happened to her in an anxiety crisis
– Laura Bozzo wears an extravagant dress without a bra and they tell her that “her skin is hanging”
– Laura Bozzo asks that Camilo Sesto’s son be “admitted” after alarming photos
– “What does it matter to you?”: Juan Rivera went against Laura Bozzo and she took his clothes off in the sun