Sunday, September 29

Ángela Aguilar said she was very American for Mexicans. Fans harass her on networks and call her egomaniac!

Megan Negrete

Angela Aguilar once again he is in the eye of the hurricane because the fans once again went to the jugular for the youngest daughter of Pepe Aguilar for the statements he made now for Univision’s “Noticias 23”.

Ángela once again caused controversy, because now she made again unfortunate comments that she made about her dual nationality, since she considers that she has a “very American image for Mexicans”.

“I feel from both sides, when I was little I was very American for Mexicans and very Mexican for Americans”


According to Pepe Aguilar’s youngest daughter, she announced that it has been difficult for her to deal with the mockery that he has received as well as with certain comments from fans that arise from his controversial statements.

But despite the fact that many fans have stressed that she is wrong with these statements, Ángela assures that she is a victim of these comments, and for this reason she feels divided between the two cultures, as she explained that as a child she felt “very American for Mexicans” and vice versa.

“I understood that having these two cultures supporting me is my superpower. Being able to feel comfortable speaking in English and Spanish is also very important.”


Ángela pointed out that according to her she has already learned her lesson, and that is why he does not share anything about his intimate life on his social networks, much less love. Since he considers that it is a way of having respect for the relationship.

“As a child, or younger, I didn’t know the difference between how much was too much to share and how much was what I needed to do. Now I do not share my (sentimental) relationships on social networks, it is my own decision to have that respect a little more “


This caused her fans to react in the worst way to these unfortunate comments again because they do not agree that she says she feels “very American for Mexicans.”

“You are an egomaniac”; “Do you really not have someone to help you?”; “Being pocha is not being a gringa”; “So she did not have Argentine blood”; “He lacked the humility of his grandparents”; “In addition, the girl bleeds”; “Hahaha she’s crazy”; “I never liked her”; are some of the comments that are read.

This is not the first time that Ángela has been linked to these scandals, let’s remember that she recently revealed that she feels 25% Argentine, in addition to the fact that he celebrated the Argentine Championship, in the past World Cup in Qatar 2022. What unleashed the fury of the fans, since he lives on Mexican culture and music.

“I can’t explain it to you, because you won’t understand. 25% Argentina, 100% proud, today we are all more celestial than the sky” ANGELA AGUILAR

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