Tuesday, October 8

The dark side of your zodiac sign: how it affects you in love

Just like the zodiac signs have positive aspects, they have a dark side that can come to light in various circumstances of life, such as love.

These characteristics are the ones that we want to remain in the shadows or that no one else knows, except ourselves, but it does not mean that they remain hidden from others.

Sooner or later we will show our evil or less pleasant side, because the positive side of our sign can also become negative in circumstances that take us to the extreme.

Astrologers believe knowing these traits can help us understand more about ourselves and channel them positively. Based on an article by Well+Good, we tell you the dark side of your sign that affects you in love.

Each zodiac sign has a dark side that influences their relationships.
Each zodiac sign has a dark side that influences their relationships. Photo: Shutterstock


Aries acts without thinking and in many cases that audacity is an advantage, but in love it could be a disadvantage as well. Impulsiveness can lead him to start relationships that he really didn’t want or appear inconsiderate with his partner because he could misunderstand it.


Determination can become your most negative trait because in a relationship you can come across as stubborn, inflexible, and domineering. While your level of commitment to your partner is good, sometimes you need to relax and relinquish control.


The dark side of Gemini is that they get bored too quickly. This can cause her partner to perceive disinterest or lack of commitment, but on the positive side it keeps the spark in their relationship burning because it is dynamic and fun.


Cancer shows affection by protecting and caring for its partner, but on the negative side it can be suffocating or overly protective. This sign must remember that it cannot always keep its loved ones protected.


Your sign loves to be the center of attention, but that penchant for drama can be too much for your partner. It will get to the point where he can’t stand you because it will seem like you just want to pick a fight. Disagreements don’t keep a relationship interesting, they can end it, say astrologers.


The tendency to perfection and being so meticulous even in the smallest detail can be good when they do not lead you to criticize your partner. Being too picky can be draining on your relationship.


Your diplomacy and need to make everything fair can also seem superficial. Avoiding compromising conversations may not be a good strategy to avoid arguments. Validating what you think and feel is positive in a relationship.


The desire for control and “all or nothing” can cause very deep wounds in your relationship. When you are afraid to move forward you may be able to break the association before it is done to you first. Trust and communication is the basis, also, it is not bad to let your guard down from time to time.


Your sign prevents anyone from getting in your way, but your need to be independent and on the go can cause you to put aside your partner’s opinion, making you appear inconsiderate or indifferent.


The discipline and ability to plan with useful in your life except in your romantic endeavors. It’s hard for you to open up with people and you don’t allow yourself to be spontaneous, which is why you tend to be emotionally reserved.


Your sign tries to see everything logically so you care deeply about the facts. This means that you spend your energy thinking and not feeling, that is, you are cold and distant. Love mainly involves the heart rather than the head.


Your sign is prone to traveling to heaven when in love and sometimes you see love where perhaps there is none. That is why you must go down to reality to make sure that your feelings do not wear out with those who are not worth it.

Keep reading:
• How to know if a person likes you, according to their zodiac sign
• The zodiac signs that hate each other
• The signs of the zodiac that form the strongest couples: they connect body and soul