Tuesday, October 8

Why put a glass of water under the bed: when to do this ritual

Miguel Angel Castillo

Surely you have heard or seen that some people put a glass of water under the bedOh, you are intrigued to know why they do it. It is an ancient ritual that has been inherited from generation to generation and has a spiritual purpose.

Water is the vital liquid for all living beings, but in the world of esotericism it has a powerful symbolism. Associated with purity, purification and cleanliness so it is used to remove negative energy from our body.

Some esotericists even recommend as a quick and easy method to purify the body of the negativity of the daydrink a glass of cold water.

Why put a glass under the bed?

That said, the ritual of the glass of water under the bed is used toto absorb and purify the body of negative energies while we are asleep. It is said that you have to put it on the side where we usually settle.

The canons of the ritual indicate that It should be left just before bedtime and removed when you get up the next morning.. You should not ingest that water, with it you can water your plants or for nature to take care of transmuting negative energy to positive.

The reason why it is placed under the bed is because that is where the body rests at the end of the day and the energies remain. The glass of water works like an energy sponge and purifies bad energy.

When to do the ritual of the glass of water under the bed?

This ritual can be done daily or whenever you feel heaviness, tension, stress or any type of negative energy.

If you had a bad day at work, for example, the glass of water will help you rest better and wake up with a renewed spirit the next day. The same when you need tranquility, harmony or want to rest better at night.

It is also recommended to put it if you do not have a job or are going through a bad economic moment.

Keep reading:
• What is the use of burning cinnamon: learn the secret of this powerful ritual
• Why salt is used to protect the home from negative energies
• What is the use of rosemary under the pillow: learn about the benefits of this ritual