Sunday, October 6

Gavin Newsom's wife reveals he killed her sister while on a family vacation

Jennifer Siebel Newsom is the wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom.
Jennifer Siebel Newsom is the wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images

Maribel Velazquez

The life of siebelwife of the Governor of Los Angeles, California, Gavin Newsom, has been complicated since I was a child; few days Before he was seven years old he accidentally killed his sister Stacey, This was revealed during a chat with the Los Angeles Times.

According to the aforementioned media, Siebel and her older sister Stacey were playing golf carts. with other children during a family vacation in Hawaii and inadvertently reversed her stroller, not realizing that her sister was hiding behind her vehicle, killing her eight-year-old sister.

Speaking about the incident, Siebel Newsom recounted that his sister’s death occurred in 1981 days before her birthday and since then she tried to be the perfect daughter, with the sole purpose of being able to compensate for the accidental death of her sister.

“I felt the pressure to be perfect to make my parents forget, being two daughters instead of one”, she revealed while accepting that to date she is struggling to overcome the trauma of the accident.

And even said that her sister’s death inspired her to push herself academicallyin the arts and in sports.

“I am sure that there was survivor’s guilt, and I am sure that, in my subconscious, it’s like I have to make up for that loss. And I have to do something to improve other people’s lives or have an impact, duplicate my own, which is kind of crazy. I don’t use the word ‘crazy’. But you know, it’s aspirational,” he recounted.

Only over time did the wife of the governor of Los Angeles realize that she has been “very hard on myself. I realized that you can’t blame a 6 or 7 year old. He can’t ask them to understand things,” she said.

During the Interview He also spoke about the case of abuse by Harvey Weinstein.

“It was a horrible experience. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I felt that hopefully it could be useful and shed light on what is wrong with our society. when you have serial penetrators getting away with rape, sexual assault and harassment for decades,” he said.

And he added “so I felt that this was just a way that I could contribute, because had been relatively silentexcept with my friends and colleagues.

Facts, which according to the Los Angeles Times, have shaped the identity of Siebel.

Keep reading:
• California governor’s wife accused of lying on the stand for rape of Harvey Weinstein
• Wife of Governor Gavin Newsom described Harvey Weinstein’s “fish-shaped” penis in court