Friday, September 20

What is the zodiac sign that can lose everything for love?

Miguel Angel Castillo

A person in love is capable of risking everything with the sole objective of being with the love of their life, leaving their own needs in the background. Have you met a friend or family member who blindly defends her partner? He doesn’t mind going over anyone for defending their relationship even if it means losing everything. Well it turns out that there is a zodiac sign that tends to abandon itself for love.

Each sign has its own way of expressing romance.For example, a Scorpio can keep and forgive your biggest secrets as a token of love, a Pisces will immortalize their feelings for you by composing a song, a verse or a watercolor, while a Capricorn will encourage you not to lose sight of your individual goals.

But this sign of the zodiac takes its displays of love to the extreme. For his partner, she is capable of anything to the point of throwing away his professional career.

Which zodiac sign risks everything for love?

The sign that loses everything for love is Leo. The characteristics of this zodiac sign lead him to fall in love with his partner to the point of suffering for free. Is he capable of breaking the law for love? Astrologer Reda Wigle says yes.

In an article he wrote for the New York Post in its online version, he says that Leo resists the attacks of the world to protect the person he loves. “Leos are not content to wallow or freak out when it comes to love, they are driven to act,” the astrologer commented.

As a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun and guardian of the Fifth House of passion and pleasure, Leo sees love as something unique, something worth taking risks and pushing the limits, after all, “in the war and in love all is fair”.

They love with intensity, boldness and without indifference.Although they demand adoration, they are willing to offer their loyalty, generosity, and devotion to their partner. “Heroism figures prominently in the Leo archetype, and the lion’s love extends to strangers and noble causes, as well as those intimate,” Wigle explained.

This means that for love Leo shows off and puts his chest to the bullets; he shows affection and if friends or relatives do not accept his relationship, he abandons them.

Keep reading:
• The 5 zodiac signs you want to impress on a date
• Which zodiac signs give second chances because they have faith in people?
• Which zodiac signs are the most difficult to forget in love