Saturday, September 21

Sandra Echeverría announces that she reconciled with Leonardo de Leozanne Love won! | VIDEO

Megan Negrete

Apparently Sandra Echeverria He already regretted separating from his ex-partner, the musician Leonardo Leozanneand revealed that they resumed their romance.

This was confirmed by the Mexican actress, who revealed that she is extremely happy to have returned with the father of her son Andrés, who assures, helped a lot for the reconciliation of his parents and that they decided to give themselves a new opportunity.

It had been a few weeks since both artists had announced that after analyzing the situation they had decided to try to resume their relationship because they discovered that despite their separation there was still love between them.

Despite this, they were very clear that this decision would take time, but everything seems to indicate that several protocols were skipped because they could not bear the desire to be away and finally resumed their media romance.

This was revealed this week by Sandra at a concert in a gym in the south of Mexico City, where she later attended the media and In addition to questioning her about her facet as a singer, she was also asked about her relationship with Lozanne and it was there that she confirmed that she had already reconciled with the Fobia vocalist.

“Everything is fine, the truth is that love won, we are already together, blessed God, very happy, when love wins, love wins, we suddenly said ‘let’s see, what are we doing? We love each other’, I love him and he loves me too, I think that’s the most important thing and I really think it’s also a matter of organizing ourselves, that we can both plan a life project together, which is really what we always wanted to do , suddenly our career paths start to lead us to different paths to different sides, but it is always making decisions based on family, so we are happy to be together again, my heart feels full and happy ”


Let’s remember that it was last November when Echeverría herself announced to the fans and the media that her love story with the leader of Fobia had come to an end.

At that time, he confessed that the reasons for which they were taking That drastic decision to separate is that after more than a decade of relationship they no longer had the same interests and that they were no longer supporting each other in their respective projects as they should.

Keep reading:

Leonardo de Lozanne has not finalized a divorce from Sandra Echeverría and denies reconciliation: “I will not return”
Sandra Echeverría cries in the middle of the program when talking about her separation from Leonardo de Lozanne
They assure that Sandra Echeverría kicked Leonardo de Lozanne out of her house tired of the monotony