Saturday, September 21

More than $100 billion dollars in annual salaries in the US is what the forest fires cost

The average American spends about $2,500 a year on illnesses caused by air pollution.
The average American spends about $2,500 a year on illnesses caused by air pollution.

Photo: Shutterstock / Shutterstock

Arlenys Tabare

According to experts, forest fires intensify every year due to climate changes, causing great air pollution. Currently, the large and main cities of the United States have been affected, This problem can represent the loss of more than $100 billion dollars in annual salaries.

This year, the smoke coming from the Canadian forests is engulfing the northeast of the country, for that reason, many of the outdoor activities have been rescheduled, companies have their employees from home and hundreds of schools closed, this pause represents a high economic cost.

According to a report recently presented by the National Bureau of Economic Research, which was carried out by Stanford researchers, it was shown that just one day of exposure to wildfire smoke reduces a person’s quarterly income by 0.1 %. The results showed that some $125,000 dollars a year were lost due to this cause.

To these data are added bills for illnesses caused by smoke, the tiny particles are dangerous for those who suffer from asthma, lung or heart problems, an estimated $2,500 a year is spent on health by the average American due to air pollution.

According to Paul Billings, national vice president of public policy for the American Lung Association, “these particles actually enter the blood and create a wide range of health problems, including strokes, heart attacks and different types of cancer”said.

Therefore, air pollution from wildfires represents huge costs, not just now, but for years, which are reflected in absences from work, lower productivity, school closures and, in the worst case scenario, serious illnesses.

Keep reading:

  • Videos showed the “apocalyptic panorama” that caused the smoke that invades the Northeast of the United States.
  • Smoke in New York: what is known about the environmental phenomenon that risks the health of 100 million people
  • Toxic smoke invades New York: how you should protect yourself