Monday, September 23

Diego Schoening affirms that Luis de Llano distracted the Timbiriche to be alone with Sasha

Gerardo Guillen

Diego Schoening spoke about the relationship between producer Luis de Llano and Sasha Sokol, when both were part of Timbiriche. The singer and actor is the first of his ex-colleagues to speak out about it and spoke about whether at some point they realized what was happening.

“He always turned our heads so as not to see. It was very strange that he suddenly told us ‘go rehearse, go eat, go here, go there’ and that we never really realized what Sasha was going through with him. She distracted us”the driver also mentioned in a brief meeting with the media.

Regarding the statements made by the producer Javier Díaz Dueñas, who assured that Sasha Sokol lost a baby from Luis de Llano, Diego Schoening commented that he was not aware of this situation.

Why did Sasha Sokol sue Luis de Llano?

It was March 8, 2022 when the producer confessed in an interview with Yordi Rosado that he had a relationship with the exTimbiriche when he was 42 years old and she was only 17. “Yes, I did have an affair with Sasha, I fell in love and he sent me to hell”recounted the Mexican.

Just a few hours after the video was published on the comedian’s channel, Sasha Sokol published a series of messages on her Twitter account in which she referred to this situation and also revealed that the abuse by Luis de Llano began at 14 years.

“He abused me then and abuses me today by manipulating the truth. By wanting to minimize it to exempt her from her responsibility in the facts, ”said the interpreter, who also announced that she would sue him for damages, whose sentence was favorable last May.

Keep reading:
• Sasha Sokol reports that she won the lawsuit against Luis De Llano
• Luis de Llano is not affected by Sasha Sokol’s complaint and has a new project on the horizon
• “I do not apologize for anything, nor do I regret anything,” says Luis de Llano about Sasha Sokol’s complaint