Sunday, September 22

Daniel Bisogno reappears with Pati Chapoy, but his appearance worries fans

Pillar of the Castle

In the midst of the commotion caused by his emergency hospitalization, the presenter Daniel Bisogno He reappeared before the cameras with nothing more and nothing less than his scene partner, patty chapoy. However, his appearance set off alarm bells and unleashed a wave of comments from Internet users. Here we tell you the details!

Through social networks, the host of “Ventaneando” put an end to the rumors that have been around the journalist’s health with a photograph in which they posed very smiling despite the situation that the famous man experienced a few days ago.

“Look who I’ve been talking to all afternoon… We already laugh, remember, relive and cry a lot… What a pleasure to be with my beloved @bisognodaniel. Don’t miss @ventaneandouno tomorrow at one in the afternoon,” Chapoy wrote to accompany his post on Instagram.

It wasn’t long before various celebrities spoke out about it in the comments section, celebrating Daniel Bisogno’s recovery. Such was the case of his friend and scene partner, Pedro Sola, as well as Mónica Castañeda and Jimena Pérez “La Choco”.

“It looks excellent. What a relief”, “What a joy to see you @bisognodaniel The interview will be another jewel from @chapoypati”, “What a joy to see them together” and “What a pleasure! Get well soon”, are some of the messages that are read on the net.

It was on May 27 when Daniel Bisogno was urgently transferred to a hospital located in Mexico City after presenting discomfort due to a liver condition.

“It consisted in the fact that, very unfortunately, some esophageal varicose veins burst, for which they had to intervene to glue the varicose veins that burst and begin to tie the varicose veins that were about to burst.“This was revealed by Pati Chapoy in an edition of the show program ‘Ventaneando’.

Keep reading:

• Daniel Bisogno reappears and shares a message after his hospitalization: “I managed to save my life”
• VIDEO: Daniel Bisogno explodes against Eduin Caz from Grupo Firme
• Daniel Bisogno is criticized after undergoing treatment to rejuvenate: “He is very finished”