Saturday, September 28

Migrant Mexicans go to consulates to cast their vote in the elections of the State of Mexico and Coahuila

Migrants go to Mexican consulates in the United States to cast their vote in the elections in the State of Mexico and Coahuila.
Migrants go to Mexican consulates in the United States to cast their vote in the elections in the State of Mexico and Coahuila.

Photo: Migrant Force / Courtesy

Cesar Reyes

Electoral observers from Fuerza Migrante give Punctual monitoring of the elections that are held this June 4 in the State of Mexico and Coahuila, where Mexicans in the United States vote in person at the Mexican consulates in Dallas, Los Angeles and Chicago.

“#Election Observers from #FuerzaMigrante in coordination with #IDdeco began their work to observe the entire process of voting in person of local elections of #Coahuila and #EstadodeMéxico in consular headquarters at the General Consulate of Mexico in Dallas, General Consulate of Mexico in Los Angeles and General Consulate of Mexico in Chicago. Likewise, observers from Fuerza Migrante were transferred to polling stations in the State of Mexico”, says Fuerza Migrante through Facebook.

The non-partisan binational movement shared through its social networks images about the arrival of the first Mexicans who came to exercise their right to vote at the Mexican consulates.

Among the first observations, Fuerza Migrante indicates that, more than 4 hours after the opening of the at the Chicago consulate, only 1 in 3 voters managed to exercise their right to vote.

“Almost 4 hours after opening the polls at the Chicago Consulate, only 1/3 of the registered voters on the electoral roll have exercised their right to vote,” says Fuerza Migrante.

Meanwhile, at the Dallas consulate, 50 people who went to the polling place failed to cast their vote because their voter credentials were issued in Mexico.

“There are more than 50 people who have not been able to exercise their right to vote at the Mexican consulate in Dallas because their voter credentials were issued in Mexico,” reports Fuerza Migrante.

For these choices, where in the State of Mexico, the first female governor of the entity will be electedwhile in Coahuila the governor will be voted and the local congress will be renewed, Fuerza Migrante deployed more than 60 electoral observers distributed in Mexican consulates in Dallas, Los Angeles and Chicago, as well as in municipalities of the State of Mexico.

Keep reading:
• Elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico: the contests that will set the course for the presidency of Mexico in 2024
• Fuerza Migrante will observe from consulates and municipalities the election day of the State of Mexico and Coahuila
• Fuerza Migrante will monitor elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico of immigrant voters in the United States