Tuesday, September 24

Mexico holds electoral day to elect governors in the State of Mexico and Coahuila

Cesar Reyes

With civic ceremonies and the installation of booths, In Mexico, the electoral day began this Sunday, June 4, in the State of Mexico and Coahuilawhere citizens will go out to vote to elect their respective governors, in a contest that will set the course for the 2024 presidential elections.

It was precisely at 8:00 in the morning, local time, that in the State of Mexico the polling stations where 12,676,625 Mexicans are registered in the nominal list and called to vote.

In this entity, a woman will be elected as governor for the first time because the dispute is between the candidate Delfina Gomez from the coalition “Together We Make History in the State of Mexico”, made up of the ruling party Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional, Morena, the Green Party and the Labor Party, PT; and Alejandra del Moralwho represents the coalition “Va por el Estado de México” made up of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI, National Action Party, PAN, Democratic Revolution Party, PRD, and New Alliance.

“I hope with great success that it will be a day for the good of the people of Mexico. and that it be filled with a lot of tranquility and with a lot of peace,” said Delfina Gómez minutes before casting her vote at a school in Texcoco, State of Mexico.

“That today they can freely exercise their vote, there were 59 days of campaign where they could be choosing, knowing, recognizing the candidates and their proposals and today the people of Mexico can make use of their right,” said Alejandra del Moral after voting in a high school in the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli.

For his part, In the state of Coahuila, 2,355,025 citizens will be able to cast their vote to elect the governor and 25 local councilsof which 16 are relative majority and 9 proportional representation.

Coahuilenses will be able to choose between four candidates for governor among which are: Manolo Jimenezcandidate of the PRI-PAN-PRD alliance (Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI; National Action Party, PAN; Party of the Democratic Revolution, PRD); Armando Guadiana of the National Regeneration Movement, Morena; Evaristo Lenin of the Green Party and Democratic Unity of Coahuila (PV and UDC) and Ricardo Mejia of the Labor Party (PT).

For the National Regeneration Movement, Morena, in the event of winning in the two entities in dispute, would mean a great victory for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador because he would be reinforcing his so-called “Fourth Transformation” ahead of the 2024 presidential elections. and it would cause the virtual extinction of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI, the party that ruled Mexico for more than 70 years.

Keep reading:
• Elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico: the contests that will set the course for the presidency of Mexico in 2024
• State of Mexico and Coahuila, awaiting the migrant vote
• Fuerza Migrante will monitor elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico of immigrant voters in the United States