Tuesday, September 24

Drive-by-wire: what it is, features and how it works

Ronald Ortega

Technology has been part of the development of the automotive industry in recent years, where it is increasingly common to see advances that make driving easier and promote road safety.

One of those innovations that reached the market is the Drive-by-wire system. Surely you have heard or even used it, but we know what it really is and above all, what it is for.

This system’s main function is to control the accelerator and brake of a car electronically, leaving out the use of traditional mechanical elements.

To be a bit more graphic, when you step on the accelerator pedal an electronic signal is sent to a computerwhich redirects that signal directly to the motor, telling it how much power to generate.

Among its benefits stands out the easy to control the car, as well as the flexibility that allows the use of one or different motors. Plus, it’s convenient for modifying or upgrading control systems, since there’s no need to replace underlying mechanical components.

As new models are developed it is added more frequently. Therefore, find out what you should know about this method used by car manufacturers.

Other Drive-by-wire features

In addition to what is described above, the Drive-by-wire system considerably reduces the weight of the car by using fewer parts thanks to its electronic functionality. Also, less part of the car translates into more fuel efficiency, since this method runs on battery power.

In the same way, by needing less fuel, it emits less carbon dioxide, and therefore, it becomes an ally to contribute to the reduction of CO2, one of the main objectives in order to achieve sustainability in the automotive industry.

Besides, security functions are controlled by means of this system. Surely you have reviewed the features of a car, which integrate adaptive cruise control, blind spot detection, lane assist and electronic stability control. They are managed through the Drive-by-wire.

Keep reading

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