Friday, September 20

Video: Man kills a thief who subjected his family, the criminal's mother demands “justice”

The opinion

By: The opinion

Ney Chavez Santillanowner of a restaurant (chifa) in Villa El Salvadorin Lime, Peru, killed Gianfranco Espinoza Quispe, an alleged thief who entered his business and subjected his son and his wife. The offender’s mother demands “justice”.

Chávez Santillán argued that he acted in self-defense and that his intention was never to kill the subject, he only wanted to defend his youngest son and his wife, who were being subjugated by the criminal.

“I want to make it known that it was not my intention to take someone’s life, I only acted in defense of my family, my son, my wife and because they were receiving death threats”assured Chávez Santillán in a video that he recorded after leaving prison.

The events, which occurred a few days ago in a chifa, a Chinese food restaurant, were captured by the video surveillance cameras of the place.

Thief subdues restaurateur’s son and wife

In the pictures you can see Gianfranco Espinoza Quispe enter the restaurant, while his left hand is covered with something white, with the other he points to the minor who is sitting at one of the tables, next to his dog and forces him to his knees.

As the pet begins to bark, the thief He addresses a woman behind the counter and threatens her in the same way and demands that she get on her knees. She tries to avoid it, but her subject grabs her by the neck and forces her to do as she asks.

Family man shoots thief

It is at that moment, when the father of the family comes out from the back of the restaurant and starts shooting at the thief, who tries to run away, but immediately falls to the ground after being shot, which took his life.

The owner of the place who was identified as Ney Chávez Santillán approaches and tries to move it.

“I already killed him”, says Chávez Santillán, who was detained by the authorities of Villa El Salvador, but faced with pressure from the community, he was released, since he assured that he acted in self-defense.


Thief’s mother demands “justice”

After learning that her son had been shot dead, the mother of Gianfranco Espinoza Quispe demands “justice.”

“Let that murderer who killed my son go to jail, let that murderer go to jail”, declared the mother of the alleged thief.

After being released, Chávez Santillán sold his restaurant and moved to another location, saying he was afraid of reprisals from the family of the murdered thief and asked the authorities to file his case.

He thanked the people who supported him and demonstrated to demand his release.

“To convey to each of the people, friends, relatives, my gratitude for their concern. Thank God because I am in good health, even if it is physically because emotionally we are destroyed due to the situation we are experiencing “the restaurant owner said in a video.

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