Saturday, September 21

Venezuelan actress Marjorie de Sousa denied an affair with 'Checo' Pérez: “Nothing happened”

Marjorie de Sousa and Sergio 'Checo' Pérez
Marjorie de Sousa and Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez

Photo: Manuel Velasquez/Adam Pretty/Getty Images

Alfredo DiCesare

the mexican pilot Sergio ‘Checo’ Perez became news for extra-sports matters, but this time it was thanks to the Venezuelan actress Marjorie de Sousawho took advantage of an intervention before the media within the framework of the presentation of a new professional project, to deny rumors of an affair between the two and which date back several years.

Sousawho will be the protagonist of the telenovela ‘Stroke of luck’was questioned about various issues of her personal life during the presentation of this production and one of them was her meeting with perez in 2015. “There was nothing there, did you see? My son was very excited (she said) ‘mom!, and I’ but daddy, nothing happened’”, she answered.

The Venezuelan expanded a little more in the explanation and limited herself to describing what would have happened between the two. “I was in London working, we met there and he invited me to dinner here, but nothing ever happened, relax,” he said, although he did not say if that meeting was part of an attempt to conquer the pilot.

Sousa ended by ensuring that ‘Czech’ had formed a “beautiful family”. The episode to which the interpreter refers dates from 2015when after the Russian Grand Prix in which ‘The Defense Minister’ climbed to the podium, both were caught leaving a restaurant in the Mexico City.

The actress is 10 years older than perez and by the time they met, the pilot was 25 years old. According to the tabloids, the meeting between the two in that establishment lasted at least three hours. After this, public figures were seen kissing and hugging goodbye, but without exchanging words.

Despite the rumors, there had been no official statement from those involved until now. In 2018, ‘Czech’ marriage with Carol Martinez and from that union came their little ones, Sergio Jr., Carlota and Emilio.

Keep reading:
· “Drive like a rookie”: harsh criticism was directed against Checo Pérez after the Monaco GP
· From Americanist to Americanist: Guillermo Ochoa assured that Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez is number one in the history of F1
· “A’Checo’palado”: ​​the memes did not miss the 16th place of ‘Checo’ Pérez in the Monaco GP