Saturday, September 21

Alfredo Adame's youngest son talks about the possibility that his father will take away his last name

Genesis Bastidas

Sebastián Adame, the youngest son of actor Alfredo Adame, reacted to the statements his father made about “removing his last name” and spoke of whether there is the possibility of a reconciliation between them for ‘Father’s Day’.

In a recent meeting with the press, he was questioned about the possibility of a possible rapprochement between him and his father after the controversial statements in which Adame described the young man as a “liar, frustrated and bitter” person.

The actor’s offspring did not make it clear about the possibility of reconciling or not with his father, but he openly said that he does not know the person he sees now.

“I had a father for 18 years of my life, I have said it several times, what now has the face of Alfredo Adame is not the person I know, he is not my father, the person I knew during the first years of my life ”he assured, according to the interview published by ‘La Mesa Caliente’.

On whether he misses having a good relationship with Alfredo, the young man emphasized that his mother, in his opinion, has done the work of father and mother, for which he supposedly does not need it.

“Unfortunately it makes me sad, but I didn’t need it because I have a mother who has done both of us and who has supported me a lot”he claimed.

Can you remove the last name Alfredo Adame?

The youngest offspring of the histrion assured that his father cannot take his last name legally, that he would have to do it himself if he wanted to, so, although Alfredo Adame dislikes him, he will continue to be an Adame.

“Legally, only I can take off my last name, he can’t do it. At the end of the day, my last name is Adame Banquells, it hurts, it burns, it doesn’t like it, it’s my last name, and I’m going to make it mine.” Sebastian sentenced.

How did Alfredo attack Sebastián?

Weeks ago, the presenter of the “Hoy” program gave an interview to the “Gossip” program and did not miss the opportunity to attack his son.

“Sebastián Banquells is a liar. He is a frustrated and bitter boy whose life was spoiled by her mother, she threw it into her spout. He did the same to him as to the other two, the other two in other ways ”, Adame said.

As if that were not enough, he pointed out that, for him, the young man “is not his son” and he does not care what may happen in his life.

“I don’t give a damn what Sebastián Banquells thinks. He is not my son, he has nothing to do with me, he does not carry my blood, he is not the son of Alfredo Adame. What he says and what he does is worth a straw to me, what happens to him is worth a reverend cucumber “said the actor.

Keep reading:
– Alfredo Adame’s son assures that his father is looking for him to be killed
– Alfredo Adame explodes against his son and says that he will take away his last name: “He does not carry my blood”
– Alfredo Adame tells Hoy Día that his success is the reason why he stars in so many fights