Sunday, October 6

Washington considers new Iranian missile “serious threat”

Deutsche Welle

The United States considered a “serious threat” to Iran’s missile program, which presented a new projectile with the longest range what you have achieved so far.

“Iran’s development and proliferation of ballistic missiles poses a serious threat to regional and international security and is a serious challenge to non-proliferation” of weapons, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

Miller criticized that despite the restrictions that the United Nations Security Council has imposed on activities related to Iranian missiles, Iran continues to seek a range of missile technology from foreign suppliers and conduct tests.

Iran unveils latest version of ballistic missile amid wider tensions over nuclear program

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) May 26, 2023

He stressed, however, that the United States thinks “that diplomacy is the best way” to guarantee and verify that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons.

The Iranian Ministry of Defense presented a new ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers, capable of carrying warheads weighing more than one ton.

Improved version of the Khorramshahr

The Kheibar, the latest version of the Khorramshahr, which until now was the longest-range Iranian missile, was presented on public television next to a replica of the Al Aqsa mosque, located in the Palestinian sector of Jerusalem.

Is about “a liquid fuel missile with a range of 2,000 km, equipped with a 1,500-kilo warhead“, according to the official agency Irna.

Its name refers to the ancient city of Khaybar, located in present-day Saudi Arabia, known for a decisive battle in the seventh century during which the army of the Prophet Muhammad defeated its thousands of Jewish inhabitants.

This announcement takes place against a backdrop of tension in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a dozen days after a ceasefire in Gaza that ended five days of conflict between Israel and Islamic Jihad, a radical Islamist movement armed by Iran.

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