Tuesday, October 8

Microsoft alerted that Chinese hackers managed to compromise part of the critical infrastructure of the United States

Julian Castillo

Microsoft issued a worrying alert by reporting that a group of hackers known as “Volt Typhoon” managed to compromise a significant part of the critical infrastructure of the United States. According to the company, the goal of these hackers was to systematically and clandestinely collect intelligence data. This revelation highlights the growing threat that cyber espionage poses to a country’s national security and economy.

In an official statement, Microsoft stated that “in this campaign, Affected organizations span the communications, manufacturing, utilities, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors”. This list shows the breadth of sectors involved and the seriousness of the incident. Infiltration of these key sectors could have devastating consequences for the normal functioning of the country and the confidentiality of sensitive information.

To further aggravate the situation, the National Security Agency (NSA) has also issued a bulletin related to this issue. In said newsletter, detail how hackers act once they have gained access to the systems they seek to control. This knowledge is vital to help organizations prevent and mitigate future attacks.

Chinese espionage

It has been reported that US intelligence agencies became aware of this attack during the month of February., almost in parallel with another worrying event: the shooting down of a Chinese spy balloon on US soil. This series of events demonstrates the increasing sophistication and aggressiveness of cyber actors, as well as the need for constant vigilance and reinforced security measures.

Cyber ​​espionage poses a significant threat to national security and global stability.. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure to gather strategic information, hurt the economy, and ultimately endanger the safety of citizens. Given this reality, it is essential that both the public and private sectors work closely together to strengthen cyber defenses and mitigate associated risks.

From China, they categorically rejected all claims and accusations related to the alleged support of Chinese hackers for attacks against the United States. The Chinese authorities have strongly denied any involvement or complicity in these cyber activities.

Keep reading:
– Screen hacking: the new method to steal your banking information without you noticing
– FBI and CISA alerted about Cuban hackers who in 2022 managed to extort more than $60 million dollars from their victims
– FBI blamed North Korean hackers for stealing $100 million during an attack committed in 2022