Wednesday, September 25

The grand jury in the case of a porn actress against Trump will not meet until next week

Stormy Daniels was paid to allegedly keep a secret relationship with Trump in the past.
Stormy Daniels was paid to allegedly keep a secret relationship with Trump in the past.

Photo: Tasia Wells/Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

The grand jury of the Manhattan Criminal Court that must rule if a criminal case is opened against the former president donald trump for the payment of $130,000 dollars to the porn actress stormy daniels in exchange for his silence about a sexual relationship, he will not try the case this week and perhaps not even next week, according to NBC News, citing unnamed sources connected to the judicial process.

According to NBC, the grand jury will not meet tomorrow, one of its regular meeting days, while it will meet on Thursday, but to study another case unrelated to Trump’s.

The information has been corroborated in the same sense by various chroniclers specialized in court cases who have been posting it on their Twitter accounts and They assure that the grand jury in the case of Stormy Daniels will not try this case next week either.

Donald Trump had assured that his arrest was going to take place last Tuesday and had asked his supporters to take to the streets, but not only did it not happen, nor did the grand jury deal with his case throughout the week.

On Monday, the 23 members of that grand jury summoned David Pecker, former owner of The National Enquirer, for a second time to explain what he knew about the $130,000 payment to Daniels, well Pecker allegedly tipped off Trump that Daniels was planning to publish his testimony and I was looking for a media outlet that wanted to do it.

The grand jury must consider whether there is reasonable cause to retain the former president as a criminal defendant for trial or not. If Trump is impeached, he will become the first former US president to face a criminal charge.

Research has focused on allegations that Trump falsified business records in connection with the payment.

Michael Cohen, a former Trump attorney, pleaded guilty in 2018 to making the illegal payment to Daniels for the “primary purpose of influencing” the 2016 presidential election, saying in federal court that he did so on Trump’s orders and that Trump he returned the money.

Cohen, who was sentenced to three years in prison in connection with the payment and other crimes, testified before the Manhattan grand jury this month.

Until now, officials have kept quiet about any news about the grand jury at Manhattan Criminal Court, whose proceedings are taking place out of public view.

Keep reading:
• Trump says the Stormy Daniels case “is dead”
• Stormy Daniels says that phone records with Trump are “going to hurt”
• “Alvin, I’m going to kill you”, a prosecutor investigating Trump receives an envelope with a threat and suspicious powders