Sunday, September 29

The 3 zodiac signs that eat when they are anxious

Eating for anxiety could have an astrological reason.
Eating for anxiety could have an astrological reason.

Photo: Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images

Miguel Angel Castillo

Through the qualities and defects of the zodiac signs we can discover curious behaviors of people, one of them is anxiety eating. Although this act is considered a disorder for psychology, astrology says that there are signs that have more chances of suffering from it.

Of course it does not mean that these signs are like this naturally, their taste for food makes them more likely to consume calories when they can’t control their emotions.

According to astrologers, some signs can’t stand being hungry, become irritable if they don’t eat snacks, when they eat everything returns to normal. For them, emotions are connected to the sense of taste, so if they are anxious, it is likely that they go to sweets.

Who are the zodiac signs that eat for anxiety? Based on the opinion of astrologers on the Bustle site, we tell you who we are talking about.


This sign is known for its impulsiveness and spontaneity. He acts faster than he thinks, so the episodes of anxiety in Aries are accompanied by reflex actions such as eating food to calm down his stress.

As astrologers explain, the ram is a very active sign, it spends a lot of energy throughout the day, so its stomach needs to receive food almost at all times. That’s why it’s not uncommon for it to be one of the signs that you eat out of anxiety.


Taurus is a routine sign that is curiously disciplined with its eating schedules. Eating is one of life’s most cherished pleasures and she is often in the habit of visiting new restaurants.

Worse beyond his taste for food, Taurus also often suffers from anxiety when overwhelmed by work. People who belong to this sign usually keep snacks in their drawers and have caches of delicious treats.


It is an intuitive sign closely connected to your emotions. When they are hungry they get restless and get angry. Food gives them a sense of comfort and security, which is why they are likely to turn to it in episodes of anxiety and worry, according to astrologers.

Keep reading:
• How each zodiac sign faces a love breakup
• Which signs have the weakest character, according to astrology
• The 5 signs of the zodiac that suffer from depression the most