Monday, September 23

Boy accuses bullying at school and throws himself from the second floor of primary school in Mexico

Given the event, the state education authorities began an investigation into the case.
Given the event, the state education authorities began an investigation into the case.


Reform Agency

A boy between 12 and 13 years of age was thrown from a second floor in the Elementary School Guillermo A. Sherwell, in Córdoba, Veracruz, because according to witnesses, Moments before, she argued with her teacher and complained about bullying by her classmates.

After the report to emergency numbers, paramedics from the Veracruz Emergency Medical Care System (SAMUV) and the Córdoba Red Cross arrived.

Boy throws himself from the second floor of the Guillermo A. Sherwell Private Elementary School in vd de Córdoba, Veracruz.
He suffered a depressive picture due to the Bullying that he was subjected to; the teacher knew it and she did nothing, the minor’s state of health is serious.https: //

— Hugo Gallardo (@HugoGallardoSG) March 28, 2023

The student complained of pain in his arms and legs, and when he detected that as a result of the fall he had a fracture in his right arm and another in his left leg, he was taken to a hospital of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), where he is hospitalized.

The head of the Veracruz Ministry of Education, Zenyazen Escobar, appeared at this hospital, who informed that the corresponding investigations were being carried out both by educational authorities and by the local Prosecutor’s Office.

The official added that Mechanisms would be sought to deal with bullying in all schools of the entity with the aim of addressing this problem.

Upon leaving the hospital, Escobar commented that the child is stable, conscious and is being treated for fractures in his extremitiesfor which it is being assessed whether it will require surgery.

“They are seeing if it requires surgery on the foot and arm, from there on out, because right now all the examination of what is the abdominal part is being done (…), the tomography of the head went well, there is an issue that they are Checking the lung, but hey, it’s stable,” he explained.

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