Sunday, September 29

“Aggression to the sides!”: They broadcast a video of an ambush of the military in Nuevo Laredo

One of the soldiers supplied his partner with ammunition, so the shots can't stop being heard.
One of the soldiers supplied his partner with ammunition, so the shots can’t stop being heard.

Photo: Twitter/@LPueblo2 / Courtesy

The opinion

By: The opinion Posted Mar 28, 2023, 14:37 pm EDT

In Mexico, thousands of elements of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) have been deployed to protect the population in the places hardest hit by organized crime, but the hitmen are looking for ways to stay away from the radar of the armed forces, one of They are the attacks and ambushes, such as one that occurred in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, which was captured by the military who were the target of the attack.

The exact date and place where the ambush of the military occurred is unknown. The video recently began circulating on social networks, where it quickly went viral.not only because of the attack on military elements, but also because it happened on a highway in broad daylight, making it clear that any civilian could have been a collateral victim of the crossfire.

In the recording you can see the military truck driving along a two-lane road in different directions, three soldiers were traveling in the unit’s punt, another one was in the turret, in addition to those traveling in the cabin. Those who go in the back are the ones who record and repel the attack of which they are targeted.

While the element that goes in the part of the turret fires shots against those who ambushed them, one of his companions supplies him with ammunition, so the shots can’t stop being heard. Such is the impact of what happens that a car is seen to pull over to stay away from the fire. Also a trailer tries to open as much as possible so that the bullets do not reach it.

All the vehicles traveling in the opposite direction are opened, they even circulate along the shoulder so as not to be caught in the middle of the shots. Suddenly another unit is seen to which one of the soldiers makes a sign with his hand while he shouts: “come in, come in, come in.”

Then a bullet hits right next to the turret, very close to where the soldier is, for which the uniformed man yells again: “Aggression to the sides, aggression to the sides!”.

It is not known what the purpose of this confrontation was, since the recording is cut off, but on social networks some Internet users indicated that those responsible for the ambush were members of the Northeast Cartelalthough that is not confirmed.

It is not the first time that the military has captured the attacks of which they are targeted, since in the border cities of Mexico that is a constant, some live to tell about it, while others add to the list of personnel killed in the line of duty.

Keep reading:
– “They don’t forgive you for being from the Army”: Soldiers reveal the risk of living in Tamaulipas.
– Hitmen ambush the military in Tamaulipas and the soldiers responded by killing 5 criminals.