Monday, September 30

Woman bricklayer in Mexico is found lifeless and attackers buried her in the work where she worked

The woman was found on the land where she worked, after days of investigation.
The woman was found on the land where she worked, after days of investigation.

Photo: ULISES RUIZ/AFP/Getty Images

armando hernandez

The violence and wave of femicides in Mexico continue and are shown with different episodeslike the one that took place in the municipality of Chimalhuacán, State of Mexico, in the center of the country, where a woman was cruelly murdered.

According to different local media, the victim, Angélica María Magnolia Santiago Hernández, was a woman who worked as a bricklayer and was murdered after two subjects wanted to abuse her. The body of the 29-year-old woman was found lifeless in the same construction where she worked.

In recounting the facts, it was said that Angélica María went to work last Saturday, March 18, at a construction site where she worked, a few kilometers from her home, and after not returning home, her family began their search.

After the complaint and after several days asking questions, residents of the surrounding houses commented that they saw her enter, but no longer leave the building, in addition to the fact that on the day of the events they saw a man return at night accompanied by two assistants.

“They hanged her, suffocated her with a bag. One of the chalanes gave the green light that they were the ones who scratched her to be able to bury her because they wanted to abuse her”, declared Cristian, the husband of the now deceased.

Likewise, it was reported that after five days of his family insisting, the black construction site where he was working was checked and that is how his lifeless body was found; buried and with a plastic bag over her head.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGJEM) began an investigation folder for crimes related to the disappearance of people.

Later they arrested the employer of the woman, Ignacio “N” and José “N”, one of his assistants, due to his probable responsibility for the events, although a third party is on the run.

Keep reading:
•Clandestine grave with seven bodies discovered in Guanajuato.
•Commando gunned down a family in Guanajuato, including a seven-month-old baby.
•The 5 women burned in Guanajuato would have been murdered for giving the location of a drug party