Monday, September 30

War in Ukraine has generated level of refugees not seen in Europe since World War II: UN

About 5.4 million people are displaced in Ukraine.  / Photo: AFP/Getty Images
About 5.4 million people are displaced in Ukraine. / Photo: AFP/Getty Images


The opinion

By: The opinion Posted Mar 18, 2023, 22:32 pm EDT

With only one year duration, The war in Ukraine has become one of the military conflicts that has generated the most displaced peoplejust below World War II.

According to a report published by the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, since the beginning of the war, More people have fled Ukraine or been internally displaced than the world has seen since World War II.

“In addition to the human losses, the armed conflict in Ukraine has caused a dpopulation displacement not seen in Europe since World War II”.

As of February 21, 2023, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported the existence of about eight million refugees from Ukraine throughout Europeof whom about 90% were displaced women and children in Ukraine,

Besides, about 5.4 million people are displaced in Ukraine. Nearly 18 million people are in need of humanitarian aid and face particularly harsh conditions during the winter months.

“He conflict has affected people’s right to health, education, adequate housing, food and water. Some vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children, the disabled and people belonging to minorities, have been particularly affected. No region of the country has been spared from the conflict,” the report added.

Dead and wounded

As of February 15, UNHCR had registered 8,006 civilians killed and 13,287 wounded in Ukraine since the invasion began on February 24 last year, although the report indicates that authorities believe the actual numbers could be higher.

“In one year, this armed conflict has had a devastating cost for the civilian population. As of February 15, 2023, UNHCR had recorded 8,006 civilian deaths and 13,287 injuries in Ukraine since February 24, 2022. Of the adult civilian victims whose sex was known, 61.1% were male and 39.9% female.. OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher,” the report reads.

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