Sunday, September 29

Lalo Mora sets up a mess with the media after being questioned about detention | VIDEO

Lalo Mora.
Lalo Mora.

Photo: Archive / Reform Agency

By: Fabiola Hinojosa Posted Mar 18, 2023, 21:04 pm EDT

Since a few days ago it had been spread that Lalo Mora had been arrested in California and allegedly had to post bail to be able to go free. After this situation, the singer was questioned by the press at one of his concerts, but a tremendous mess was put together.

It was in the Mexican program “Ventaneando”, where they showed the reaction of the Mexican regional interpreter, who was able to obtain his freedom after paying a bail of 20 thousand dollars, but in his presentation in Monterrey in Mexico, he tried to avoid the press due to questions about the sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

Despite the discomfort of the singer’s daughter, who expressed that they were pushing her father and they were going to throw him away, the press did manage to access the concert and there Mora confessed that she was about to lose her life due to the Coronavirus, this while having a glass of alcohol.

“Y’all know I almost died, COVID-19 almost took me”, said the exponent of the Mexican regional forcefully.

Lalo Mora evades the issue of the lawsuit for sexual harassment against him

Although the press tried to question Lalo Mora about the lawsuit for sexual harassment against him, he did not touch on the subject and limited himself to greeting, but avoiding the journalists, and even referred in a derogatory way to a reporter.

“I love you very much, behave well you bastard$#(& hello, cool mommy [se refirió a una reportera] nothing, here I am ”, added the singer.

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