Monday, September 30

AMLO defended the sovereignty of Mexico before congressional legislators: “We will never allow them to trample on us”

AMLO defended sovereignty and rejected US interference in the affairs of Mexico.
AMLO defended sovereignty and rejected US interference in the affairs of Mexico.

Photo: RODRIGO ARANGUA / AFP / Getty Images

The opinion

By: The opinion Posted Mar 18, 2023, 23:36 pm EDT

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorreaffirmed on Saturday his position regarding the sovereignty of Mexicobefore the proposal of some Republican congressmen from the United States to send members of the US army to Mexican territory to fight organized crime and curb the drug trafficking.

Sovereignty is not an anachronistic or jingoistic concept; it is respect for the independence and dignity of peoples. Thank you!

– Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) March 19, 2023

AMLO reaffirmed his government’s willingness to cooperate with the United States to confront drug trafficking in both countries.

But he again stated that This does not mean that Mexico will submit to the interference of another country in its internal affairs or to the violation of its sovereignty.

“From here, from this Zócalo, the political and cultural heart of Mexico, we remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States,” AMLO said.

And he warned that US congressmen can threaten such interference, but that the Mexican government will not allow the matter to escalate further.

“They can threaten us with committing any outrage, but we will never, ever allow them to violate our sovereignty and trample on the dignity of our homeland. Cooperation yes, submission no! Interventionism, no! ”, He asserted.

López Obrador also described the United States congressmen who have suggested military intervention in Mexico as politicians and pointed out that their idea to combat the fentanyl crisis that is plaguing the United States is for “electoral purposes.”

“In a propaganda plan, we would say here in colloquial language with a grid and for electoral, political purposes, they maintained that, if we did not stop the trafficking of fentanyl to the northern border, they were going to propose to the congress of their country that they occupy North American soldiers in our territory to confront organized crime.

The disagreement between AMLO and US congressmen began when Republican Dan Crenshaw presented an initiative to endorse the use of force by the US Army against drug cartels in Mexico.

Since then, López Obrador and other officials of his government, such as Marcelo Ebrard, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and Ricardo Monreal, senator for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) They have been criticizing and rejecting the proposal, considering it interventionist and a violation of national sovereignty.

The President of Mexico once again rejected the proposal for US military intervention in Mexico during an event held to commemorate 85 years of the Oil Expropriation.

Keep reading:
• Who are the Republicans calling for US military intervention in Mexico against cartels?
• AMLO warns that Mexico is not a “US colony.” After Republican Proposal to Declare Mexican Cartels as Terrorists
• AMLO and US congressmen hold “frank and open” dialogue on the fight against fentanyl