Monday, October 7

Russia responds to the US: it says that it was that country that broke the nuclear deal with hybrid war

The Russian ambassador to the United States hit back on Wednesday at the US State Department's accusations.
The Russian ambassador to the United States hit back on Wednesday at the US State Department’s accusations.

Photo: MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/Getty Images

The opinion

For: The opinion Posted 01 Feb 2023, 20:15 pm EST

After yesterday the government of The United States accused Russia of breaking a nuclear deal, Today that country responded that the one who violated the agreement was Washington.

The Russian ambassador to the United States struck back on Wednesday to accusations by the US State Department that Russia had violated a nuclear arms deal between the two countries.

In an interview with the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, the ambassador Anatoly Antonov rated the accusations of “sensationalist” and claimed that the United States had violated the agreement.

“First of all, it is worth highlighting the speed with which this annual report has been produced. Their earlier versions, which did not contain ‘sensational’ accusations, were usually published in April or even later. This year, against the backdrop of a frenzied confrontation with Russia initiated by the Westthe Administration has clearly been anxious about throwing at us another series of unsubstantiated claims in the field of arms control,” Antonov said in the interview that was partially published on the Facebook page of the Russian embassy.

The Russian official assured that his country has respected the agreement known as the New START Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) unlike the United States.

“Unlike, by the way, Washington, on whose conscience rests the illegitimate withdrawal of more than a hundred strategic weapons from the treaty accounting. Let me stress that these actions affect the central limits of the New STARTundermining the key objective of the agreement: to maintain the balance of the strategic offensive weapons of the parties,” Antonov noted.

The Russian ambassador said that the current situation of the agreement, in which Russia considers it inappropriate to invite the US military to its strategic installations as the deal suggests, it is a result of the hybrid war unleashed by the West against that country.

“The situation with the New START is direct result of the hybrid war unleashed by the West against our country. We have warned that arms control cannot be isolated from geopolitical realities. Under the current circumstances, we consider it unjustified, untimely and inappropriate to invite the US military to our strategic installations,” he added.

Finally, the ambassador said that your country remains committed to the objectives of the bilateral treatyBut he insisted that the problems with that deal are Washington’s fault, because it seeks to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.

“Russia remains committed to the goals of the New START Treaty and continues to see it as a useful tool for maintaining strategic stability and ensuring predictability in relations between the major nuclear powers. We intend to continue to respect the core limits of the Treaty and to exchange relevant notifications and data. Responsibility for escalating New START problems rests entirely with Washington. There can be no progress in arms control without the United States reconsidering its policy of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia,” he concluded.

The treaty

The New START Treaty was originally signed by then-presidents Barack Obama and Dmitri Medvedev in 2010. The agreement succeeded the START treaty, which aimed to reduce strategic offensive arms and dated from the last days of the Soviet Union.

The Joe Biden government ensures that Moscow is violating a key arms control agreement nuclear facilities and continues to refuse to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities

“Russia is not fulfilling its obligation under the New START Treaty to facilitate inspection activities on its territory. The Russia’s refusal to facilitate inspection activities prevents the United States from exercising important rights under the treaty and threatens the viability of nuclear arms control for both nations,” the State Department reported.

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