Thursday, October 3

Price of the dollar: how much does it cost today, Tuesday, January 24, in Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Venezuela

This Tuesday, January 24, the dollar is trading positive against several emerging pairs.
This Tuesday, January 24, the dollar is trading positive against several emerging pairs.

Photo: Pixabay Photo / Pexels

Alexa Lying

The dollar is little changed today in emerging markets, but in Mexico at least it is trading positive again. The green ticket is quoted at 18.85 pesos per unit of green ticket. At the bank window, the average purchase price is 18.85 per unit and the price for sale is 18.87 pesos per dollar unit. For the Mexican peso, the depreciation is at least one cent.

Inflation in Mexico accelerates more than expectedstanding at 7.94% in the first half of January of this 2023.

In Honduras, as is customary, the trend for the dollar is upward, today the price is 24.66 lempiras per greenback unit. And for the purchase and sale, the maximums and minimums are averaged at 24.53 and 24.80 lempiras per dollar, respectively.

In Nicaragua the dollar shows an upward trend and It remains at an average price similar to that of the previous week, at 36.54 córdobas per unit of greenback. For buying and selling, the trend remains at the same average between 36.08 córdobas and 37.00 córdobas per dollar, respectively.

In Costa Rica, the dollar continues with an upward trend but little movement is noted in its price. Today it trades against the Costa Rican colon at a price of 563.30 per dollar unit. In the average purchase and sale, the green bill moves between 562.85 for the purchase and 563.75 colones per dollar, respectively.

In Dominican Republic the green bill maintains its upward trend and today it is trading at 56.68 DOP per dollar unit. For the purchase and sale of the green ticket in Dominican banks, the average is between 56.44 pesos and 56.92 DOP per dollar unit.

The dollar in Venezuela continues to gain ground, but on Monday it shows little movement. Already at the barrier of 20 and close to 21 bolivars, the green ticket is trading today at 20.70 per dollar unit. The average range is between 20.68 and 20.73 Bs. per green ticket for the purchase and sale.

You may follow in real time the exchange rate of the dollar against some emerging currenciesas well as its trends according to international markers and some banks:
Mexico: exchange rate in real time
Honduras: exchange rate in real time
Nicaragua: price of the dollar in real time
Costa Rica: price of the dollar in real time
Dominican Republic: exchange rate in real time
Venezuela: price of the dollar in real time

To follow the exchange rate and send remittances you can check the price, in real time, before making a transfer and compare prices. For each country that receives remittances, you can use a comparative table with the amount to be sent in US dollars: Compare money transfers from the US.

Cryptocurrencies today move in different directions. On the real-time price chart, we appreciate cryptos today with figures in green and red. Bitcoin, BNB, Binance USD, dogecoin, solana and polygon stand out in the early hours of the morning in positive. On the other hand, the cryptos Cardano, Shiba, Ethereum, start with a downward trend. Follow the price of cryptocurrencies in real time.