Sunday, September 29

Polo Polo, Mexican actor and comedian, dies at 78

Rocio Garcia

The world of entertainment and comedy in Mexico is in mourning this January 23 with the sensitive death of Leopoldo Roberto García Peláez Benítezbetter known as Polo Polo, at the age of 78 as a result of the vascular dementia he suffered from.

The information was confirmed by his son paul garcia in the show program “Ventaneando”, where he revealed that the actor also left at 5 in the morning and was surrounded by his family in his last moments, as he had requested.

“It was a natural death, he passed away at 5:15 in the morning. I just stop breathing. He was always surrounded by the family, all the time my sister was watching over him, they fulfilled his wish, he never wanted to enter an institution and he wanted us to always take care of him and my sister did a great job taking care of him. I was there with him at his last breath,” she mentioned.

He also revealed that the comedian suffered from vascular dementiaa brain damage caused by multiple strokes that, as he explained, varies according to the patient since it can progress very quickly or very slowly.

The humorist was born on March 9, 1944 in the City of León, Guanajuato. His family was dedicated to the shoe industry, which is why he also worked in the trade during his youth; However, upon discovering his artistic vocation, he began to perform on small stages for free.

Popo Polo achieved fame and public recognition thanks to his characteristic style of black comedy and explicit language, becoming considered the precursor of stand up, as he told stories that were sometimes his own anecdotes in order to amuse the public

That is why Paul García added that he will always remember his father as a pleasant person, who did not say many profanities, he liked to read and listen to music; personality that was very different from the one he projected during the comedy shows with which he became known.

The remains of Polo Polo will be veiled in a funeral agency located to the northeast of Mexico City.

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