Sunday, September 29

Dani Alves' tattoo could be proof of the crime

Dani Alves' hand tattoo captured the day of his presentation with Pumas UNAM.
Dani Alves’ hand tattoo captured the day of his presentation with Pumas UNAM.

Photo: CLAUDIO CRUZ / AFP / Getty Images

Alfredo DiCesare

The investigation against Dani Alves for an alleged sexual assault on a 23-year-old girl in Barcelona continues to progress and this Monday it was revealed that the complainant had recognized a tattoo of the player in the abdomen area.

According to what was reported by ‘El Mundo’, the alleged victim detected a crescent-shaped tattoo that the Brazilian would have in the abdomen area and which he could see that night of December 30 in the bathrooms of the Sutton nightclub.

“In his statement before the judge, the victim explained that the Brazilian has a crescent-shaped tattoo on his abdomen, and that it was very visible throughout the non-consensual relationship. She said that she saw it at the moment the player tried to force her to give him fellatio and she resisted, all of this during the minutes that he locked her in the bathroom of a VIP room in a Barcelona discotheque”, would pick up the version of the woman.

Apparently, the chronology described by the young woman would have made Alves change his initial version. In principle, the player specified that he was sitting in the pool and it was the woman who pounced on him. Given this, the judge asked her how it was possible that she was aware of the location of the tattoo if she had not gotten up from the toilet and covered it with her shirt.

At that moment, the Brazilian contradicted himself and acknowledged that he did “get up when she entered and that is why he could see the tattoo that is usually covered by clothing, since it goes down from the abdomen to the genital area.”

Subsequently, the footballer confessed that he ended up having “consensual” sex with the 23-year-old girl. These version changes were the ones that gave rise to a deprivation of liberty without bail.

However, the complainant maintains that Alves invited her to the bathroom and while there he forced her to give him fellatio, slapped her and then penetrated her until he ejaculated. According to information from the Spanish media, the security cameras of the establishment would confirm that both were at least 15 minutes inside the dressing room.

This Monday, the defender was transferred from prison to the Brians 2 prison module. The decision would respond to “security reasons.” This new detention site would have less crowded and safer spaces.

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