Thursday, September 19

Bolivian government hires an “interspecies communicator” to find a missing cat

The disappearance of a small kitten in a Bolivian airport has become a matter of States for the South American country that has also sparked ridicule
The disappearance of a small kitten in a Bolivian airport has become a matter of States for the South American country that has also sparked ridicule

Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The disappearance of a small kitten at an airport in Bolivia se has become a State matter for the South American country that has also unleashed teasingbecause the government decided hire an “interspecies communicator” to find it.

In December it was reported disappearance of the cat Titoafter its owner, a woman who works in Ireland, sought to take it from the city of Tarija to Santa Cruz to certify it as therapy animal, but they told him that the cat had to go in the cargo hold. When the plane Bolivian Aviation landed, the woman was surprised to see Tito’s cage empty.

According to the site, the airline staff admitted to having lost Tito before takeoff and the disappearance of the cat became the number one news in Bolivia. So the government of that country began to get involved in an important way to solve the case.

First there was a press conference by the Bolivian Minister of Consumption, in which the official explained that Tito liked tunaso they had distributed cans of tuna and water in the areas near the airport where the cat was lost, to ensure that it did not go hungry.

Despite the efforts of the Bolivian government and other state-controlled organizations to locate poor Tito, the cat was nowhere to be foundSo, in a desperate effort, the Ministry of Justice announced that it had hired an “interspecies communicator” who claimed to be able to establish an “energy connection” with Tito and to know details about his whereabouts and well-being.

“We, as the Ministry of Justice supporting this issue, we have hired an ‘interspecies communicator’, that there are only two, one in Argentina and one in Bolivia. A woman who has communication with cats and dogs, and she mentioned that she could, through her techniques, communicate with Tito to know where he is, if he is scared or hidden or if something more serious has happened”, Jorge Silva, vice-minister of Consumer Rights in Bolivia, said in an interview with Erbol.

A cat is lost on an airline flight. The government: “We have hired an interspecies communicator to find it”

— Edmundo Paz Soldán (@edpazsoldan) January 6, 2023

Apparently, The communicator has kept in touch with the owner of the cat, who lost his job in Ireland and has stayed in the city of Tarija to continue looking for Tito. Both women have not lost hope of finding the cat.

The contracting by the government of this communicator has raised many criticism from the general public and social media usersmany of whom believe it to be a fraud.

The first report of the “interspecies communicator”

Despite the fact that the little kitten has been missing for more than a month, the “interspecies communicator” government contracted believe the animal is alive.

“The statements and report that this professional has made us know indicates that Tito would be alive,” the vice minister of Consumer Rights told the Bolivian media outlet La Razón.

The official explained that the professional reported that the feline apparently “he is scared and cannot leave the place where he is, since there would be other pets, such as dogs, that would be scaring it away. Silva assured that the communicator of French origin, who lives in the country, provides her work for free and that she will continue to offer it as necessary.

The communicator’s powers and techniques appear to be unaffected by distance, as the vice minister revealed that the woman lives in La Paz and has not moved to Tarijawhere Tito disappeared, to carry out his communication and search work.

“She has its own methods, knowledge of communication with pets. She lives in La Paz, she has not moved to Tarija, but I imagine that develop certain techniquesThat is why he is certain that Tito is still alive,” Silva highlighted.

The government representative also regretted the lack of empathy from people towards a pet, in relation to the ridicule that was generated on social networks after learning about the collaboration of the communicator.

“Us has drawn attention, ridicule, criticism (…); We leave this episode on the networks, the mockery against a professional that perhaps due to the ignorance that we have, we do not know that these professionals exist”, he pointed out.

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