Sunday, September 29

Price of the dollar: how much does it cost today, January 16, in Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela

Follow the price of the dollar in real time in some emerging markets, this Monday, January 16, 2023.
Follow the price of the dollar in real time in some emerging markets, this Monday, January 16, 2023.

Photo: Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images

Alexa Lying

After a week and a half with consecutive days in decline, this Monday the dollar once again takes the lead against the Mexican currency. Today the green bill is trading at 18.80 pesos per dollar unit. At the bank window, the average purchase price is 18.43 per unit and the price for sale is 19.18 pesos per dollar unit.

In Honduras, the trend for the dollar remains positive and with little movement. The price is maintained at an average of 24.67 lempiras per unit of green bills, and at maximums and minimums of 24.54 and 24.80 lempiras per dollar, respectively.

In Nicaragua, the behavior of the dollar starts the week with a positive trend. The average price is 36.54 córdobas per green ticket unitin the average for the purchase and sale, the trend remains between 36.08 córdobas and 37.00 córdobas per dollar, respectively.

In Costa Rica, The dollar continues to advance and today is gaining ground against the local currency, the Costa Rican colon. The average price is 570.93 colones per dollar unit. Before the colon, the US currency moves between 567.86 for the purchase and 574.00 colones per dollar for the sale.

In the Dominican Republic, the greenback remains with a positive trend against the peso, and today it is trading at 56.58 DOP per dollar unit, and continued to gain ground. For the purchase and sale of the green ticket in Dominican banks, the price is calculated on average between 56.34 pesos and 56.82 DOP per dollar unit, respectively.

The dollar in Venezuela maintains its upward trend, but in The day of this Monday still does not show much movement. The average price is 19.42 bolivars per dollar unit. The average range is 19.40 and 19.45 Bs. per green ticket for the purchase and sale, respectively.

You may follow in real time the exchange rate of the dollar against some emerging currencies and their trends according to international markers and some banks:
Mexico: price of the peso in Mexican banks
Honduras: exchange rate in real time
Nicaragua: price of the dollar in real time
Costa Rica: price of the dollar in real time
Dominican Republic: exchange rate in real time
Venezuela: price of the dollar in real time

To follow the exchange rate and send remittances, check the prices of the green ticket in real time in the destination country before making an online transfer and compare prices. For each country that receives remittances, you can use a comparative table with the amount to be sent in US dollars: Compare money transfers.

The table that shows us the value of cryptocurrencies reflects, for the most part, numbers in green. Bitcoin, XRP, cardano, ethereum, advance in value. Follow the price of cryptos in real time.

The markets focus their attention on what could be the next decisions of the Fed to control inflation. There is more betting that the new rate hike by the Federal Reserve will be 25 basis points and not 50. Let’s remember that inflation in the United States stood at 6.5%, its lowest level in the last 12 months.