Monday, September 30

AMLO assures that US presidents use the construction of the border wall as publicity and xenophobia

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.

Photo: Manuel Velasquez/Getty Images

Cesar Reyes

From the National Palace, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that presidents of the United States have used the construction of the border wall as advertising.

“In total they have built 1,482 kilometers of walls, it is less than half of what the entire border is, but They use it for advertising with all due respect.Because imagine a border of 3,800 km where there is only about 45, 48% of a wall, it is an attitude,” he said.

After presenting a list displaying the names of former US presidents (Bill Clinton; George W. Bush; Barack Obama; Donald Trump) and the mileage of the border wall they have built during their terms, López Obrador thanked Joe Biden for not appearing on this list because he still doesn’t build walls.

“We are very grateful to President Biden that they are not on the list, from the first, also with all due respect it is anti-immigrant propaganda, it is xenophobiaBecause there are sectors that oppose migrants, they forget that this great nation was developed with migrants from all over the world, but it is part of the internal politics and sometimes even of the politicking that occurs in the United States as it occurs in everywhere, that is not exclusive to anything more than one country”, he affirmed.

From the National Palace, the Mexican president reiterated his gratitude to Joe Biden for not building another border wall and for the humanitarian visas granted to Central American migrants.

“The first, the only one who does not build a wall is President Biden and we recognize that because that is not how the immigration problem is solved. The causes must be addressed, as we have said many times. People do not leave their towns for pleasure, they do it out of necessity and the president Biden is understanding this, he is supporting people to stay in their places of origin, he is now supporting temporary or humanitarian visas that there were no Venezuelan, Cuban, Nicaraguan, Colombian brothers, and that migration has been growing not only of the population of Central American countries, of our Central American brothers, but also in other countries”, he highlighted.

In his morning conference from Mexico City, the head of the Mexican executive stated that he will continue to insist on the US government to regularize the situation of millions of Mexicans who live and work in the United States.

“We are also insisting that the situation of millions of Mexican migrants who live and work honestly in the United States be regularized.this depends a lot on the United States Congress, we are going to continue insisting and we also thank President Biden that even though there is still no regularization plan that they have offered and that we are going to continue insisting that it be fulfilled”, he pointed out.

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