Tuesday, September 10

The political events of this year that could mark the path of the next presidential elections

The Democrats will vote on the proposal to modify their presidential primary calendar.
The Democrats will vote on the proposal to modify their presidential primary calendar.

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

During the next few months, Some political events could mark the path that the presidential primary elections and caucuses will follow next year.

Although it is true that there are at least 18 months left for that to happen, the political arena will begin to heat up and it is interesting not to lose detail on certain events.

In this sense, the state elections that will be registered in November will be a taste of the battle to be waged between Democrats and Republicans.

Biden re-election announcement

Despite the emergence of a new scandal related to the possession of some classified documents found inside a garage of a property in Joe Bidenwhich is a stain for its administration, various analysts agree that next month he would be about to announce his campaign to try to be re-elected as president of the nation.

Winter meeting of the Republican Party

It is contemplated that from the 25th to the 27th of this month, during its meeting in Dana Point, California, the Republican National Committee (RNC) will elect its next president.

And it is that even when Ronna McDaniel is interested in being re-elected after holding the position for six years, the results in last year’s midterm elections did not leave several members of the party happy who would bet on giving another politician a chance with a fresher vision within the Committee.

Democrats Winter Meeting

At the beginning of February, during the winter meeting that the Democrats will hold in Philadelphia, A plan to reshape the party’s traditional presidential primary calendar will be put to the vote.

The readjustment would mean that South Carolina replaces Iowa at the beginning of the primary election calendar, on February 3, 2024.

Then, it would be the turn of New Hampshire and Nevada, on February 6; while Georgia and Michigan would have their turn on February 13 and 27, respectively.
In the event that the proposal is consolidated, this would imply that the presidential candidates propose in a different way the way of approaching their campaigns.

Conservative Political Action Conference

Scheduled to take place in March, in Washington, DC, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) It is a good thermometer to determine which way the election process of the Republican candidate for the presidency begins to lean, where Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis seem to be holding their own.

state elections

Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi are scheduled to hold elections on November 7, date on which Democrats and Republicans can rehearse part of the strategy that they will implement next year where the White House will once again be at stake.

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