Saturday, September 21

Mexico toughens its anti-smoking laws with a total ban on smoking in public places

BBC News World

Mexico has enacted one of the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world by enacting a total ban on smoking in public places.

The first step of this law was taken in 2021 and also includes a ban on tobacco advertising.

Several other Latin American countries have also passed laws to create smoke-free public spaces, however Mexico’s legislation is considered the strongest and most comprehensive in the region.

It is equivalent to one of the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world.

Mexico’s existing 2008 law, which created smoke-free spaces in bars, restaurants and workplaces, now expands to a total ban in all public spaces. That includes parks, beaches, hotels, offices, and restaurants.

There will also be a total ban on the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products, Therefore, cigarettes cannot even be displayed inside the stores.

Vaporizers and e-cigarettes are also subject to new, stricter restrictions, particularly indoors.

The Pan American Health Organization welcomed the move and applauded the Mexican government for implementing the ban.

Electronic cigarette.
E-cigarette consumption also suffered from restrictions.

The organization says that tobacco use is the most preventable cause of death in the world, responsible for almost a million deaths in the region each year, either due to direct consumption or exposure to smoke.

However, some smokers are appalled by the draconian nature of the new law.

ANDIn essence, it means that many will only be allowed to smoke in their homes or other private residences.

Others have raised questions about the practicalities of enforcing the law.

With police corruption so widespread in Mexico, many fear that instead of issuing fines or real punishment for smoking in public, some officers will use it as a pretext to accept bribes.

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