Monday, September 23

Hunter Biden, son of the president, asked a judge to deny his young daughter to take his last name

President Joe Biden's son denies that his last name is linked to that of the daughter he had with a stripper.
President Joe Biden’s son denies that his last name is linked to that of the daughter he had with a stripper.

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

Under the argument that accessing his last name would rob him of his “peaceful existence”, Hunter Biden asked a judge to deny that possibility to the daughter he had with a former stripper four years ago.

And it is that, on December 27 of last year, Lunden Roberts, filed a last name change request for Navy Joan Roberts, the little girl she procreated with the offspring of the President of the United States.

The former dancer asked Arkansas Court Judge Holly Meyer to allow the girl to take Biden’s last name, claiming that she remains “separated” from the family and suggests that this “misconduct or neglect” can be corrected by giving her the name .

“To the extent that this is misconduct or negligence, it can be rectified by changing her last name to Biden so that, without a doubt, she is known to the world as the daughter of the defendant and a member of the prestigious Biden family,” Lunden argued. Roberts.

Once Hunter was informed of this, from January 6 he presented his formal request for the proceeding not to take effect.

In this sense, the lawyer representing him points out that the girl should decide for herself once “the contempt for Biden’s name is not at its peak.”

Apparently, the son of the nation’s president is convinced that Lunden Roberts’s motivation is to start a “political war” against the Biden family and for this reason the woman would have reversed the wish that she apparently had in 2019, by removing the surname of her biological father from the girl and any other identifying information about her in the Court’s public record.

Until now, little Navy Joan, who is very similar to her father, has been raised in Arkansas, where, unlike the rest of the Bidens, she lacks the protection of the Secret Service.

The four-year-old girl is one of the five children procreated by Hunter Biden, but at the time he refused to recognize her until a DNA test determined that he was the biological father.

In addition to the legal complaint that he will have to sustain to prevent Navy Joan from acquiring his last name, the son of the nation’s president is awaiting the result of a federal investigation into several businesses that are credited to him abroad.

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