Sunday, September 22

Former FBI Deputy Director Criticizes Justice Department's Gentle Treatment of Joe Biden

President Joe Biden is already under investigation for allegedly having classified documents in his home garage.
President Joe Biden is already under investigation for allegedly having classified documents in his home garage.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN/Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

Chris Swecker, a former deputy director of the FBI, criticized the way the Justice Department is handling what appears to be a scandal involving classified materials found in the garage of Joe Biden’s home.

Through an interview with Fox News Digital, andThe former official points out that there is “obvious inequality” with respect to the investigation that was carried out against former President Donald Trump, who was previously held responsible for a similar act.

And it is that the first batch of classified documents in Biden’s possession was found in the Penn Biden Center, on November 2, prior to the midterm elections. However, the incident was publicized much later, which has angered his political rivals, especially as more documents were recently discovered at his Wilmington home.

Swecker points out that the treatment of Donald Trump during the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago last year was completely different from what the authorities treat Joe Biden.

“There is a glaring disparity in how somewhat identical events are treated when it comes to the Bidens. It is child’s play, it is treated in a very nice, very gentle way, ”she underlined.

Swecker, who served 24 years in the FBI as a special agent, retired as deputy director of the criminal investigation division and this makes him a qualified voice to analyze the irregularities linked to two characters in charge of managing the destiny of the nation most powerful of America

“I think this is yet another example of the gentle way in which the left and the right are handled. On the right side, they’re coming in with SWAT teams and search warrants and they’re coming hard. It should not be like that. They should quote and do this in a way that isn’t doing an outright raid. But that’s not what they did with Trump: they just raided his Mar-a-Lago residence,” he said.

White House special counsel Richard Sauber: “five additional pages with classification markings were discovered” at Biden’s Wilmington home as he was there with DOJ officials to transfer possession of the single document found earlier.

— Laura Barrón-López (@lbarronlopez) January 14, 2023

Faced with the wave of pressure exerted by the Republicans, Attorney General Merrick Garland had no choice but to hire Robert Hur, a former federal prosecutor, so that since last Thursday he would be in charge of investigating everything related to classified materials that, in According to Joe Biden, they were “inadvertently misplaced.”

However, the controversy became more relevant, after this Saturday Richard Sauber, the president’s special counsel, issued a statement announcing that on Thursday Five additional pages of documents with classified marks were found at Biden’s home in Delaware, bringing the total to six classified documents recovered, in addition to the documents previously discovered in the garage.

“We are confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced, and the President and his attorneys acted promptly upon discovering this error,” he said.

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