Friday, September 20

Ovidio Guzmán: Judge denied Chapo's son an injunction against extradition to the United States

The DEA offered five million dollars for anyone who would provide information leading to the arrest of the criminal leader.
The DEA offered five million dollars for anyone who would provide information leading to the arrest of the criminal leader.

Photo: State Department / Courtesy

The opinion

For: The opinion

Just over a week after the capture of Ovid Guzman in the state of Sinaloa, work is already beginning on the extradition to the United States of the son of chapo guzman.

And although the defense of the young drug trafficker will do everything possible to prevent their client from being held accountable in the US courts, they received a severe setback after a federal judge removed the brake on extraditionby denying the amparo that the lawyers processed a few days ago.

“The definitive suspension is denied in the terms of this incident,” determined the Amparo judge in Criminal Matters in Mexico City, who declared that he lacks legal competence by reason of territory to hear and resolve this amparo trial.

After this determination, the defense must send the amparo claim that it presented, but now to a District Court in the State of Mexico, since the extradition process is being processed in that entity, since the defendant is being held in the federal prison of Almoloya.

This is not the only amparo lawsuit filed by Ovidio Guzmán, since on January 5, that is, the same day he was arrested in the community of Jesús María, he filed one by arguing alleged physical and psychological abuse, as well as lack of communication with his family while he remained in the custody of the authorities.

Regarding the possible extradition of El Chapo’s son, the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, recalled that the United States government filed an extradition request since 2018.

However, he pointed out that, according to the Extradition Law, Guzmán López must first face a process in the national territory promoted by the Attorney General of the Republic, for which reason shipping to US soil could take months.

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