Tuesday, September 24

DHS will provide deportation deportation action to undocumented immigrant victims of labor abuse

The Department of Homeland Security is committed to defending undocumented workers who suffer harassment by their employers.
The Department of Homeland Security is committed to defending undocumented workers who suffer harassment by their employers.

Photo: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

Undocumented workers who experience labor abuses or have witnessed these cases, may file a deferred action for their deportation with simple and immediate effect.this according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

And it is that The DHS is empowered to offer a partial suspension of the deportation of immigrants who do not have a work permit, this in case they dare to formally denounce any arbitrariness in the centers where they work.

Through a statement, Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of National Security, made it clear that he seeks to detect abusive employers with the undocumented.

“There are unscrupulous employers who take advantage of the vulnerability of foreign workers and harm everyone by putting companies that play by the rules at a disadvantage”indicated.

In this regard, Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), an alliance of unions with almost two million members, described as correct the fact that the DHS can ensure that immigrants achieve better working conditions. work, wages and the right to organize, since that benefits the country’s economy.

It should be noted that Undocumented immigrants are often reluctant to report violations of labor laws suffered by their employers in the workplace, as they fear reprisals that could lead to their deportation, but now the DHS can protect them.

“When faced with labor abuses, workers are afraid to denounce, but Secretary Mayorkas assures that the DHS is not going to intervene in labor investigations and they will provide temporary protection, deferred action, and a permit of at least two years so that the victims can continue working while their complaint continues on its way,” said Caleb Soto, attorney for the National Network of Day Laborers.

In this way, undocumented persons interested in filing a complaint after being subjected to workplace abuse can find more information, both in English and Spanish, by visiting the official website of the Department of Homeland Security.

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