Friday, September 20

Ritual to unlock the energy of money with salt and cinnamon

If you have problems to strengthen your economya, a ritual with salt and cinnamon can help you unlock the energy of money instantly and start receiving abundance in your life. It is a simple recipe that you can make when you need it most, you just have to have faith and trust in heavenly beings.

Before starting the spell, you should know that the energy of money has the same vibrational frequency as love Therefore, if you have a conflict with a loved one or have stagnant feelings and emotions, you must bring them to your mind so that they can also be unblocked.

The two main elements of this ritual are salt and cinnamon. The salt can be refined, marine or grain, whatever you have at home. While cinnamon must be powder. The other elements to use are a white candle and sandalwood, coconut or palo santo incense.

How to unlock the energy of money?

To begin, light the white candle and the incense to connect with the elements of fire and air, represented by these elements.

Take the salt and rub your hands with it as if you were washing them. Now say: “Short, release and unlock, short release and unlock, short release and unlock” and say your full name.

The hands represent the management of life, when we hurt them it means that we are not doing something right, that is why salt is used to spiritually unblock this part of the body, explained the seer Rolando Flores, author of this ritual, on his channel YouTube Akasha Universe Magical Rituals.

It is important to clean the energy of money from the hands because negative vibrations remain there, such as using money improperly, for example, not paying outstanding debts. When you’re done, wash your hands with soap and water.

The second part of the body that we must purify with salt are the feet. They are rubbed with the salt from the ankles downwards, thus we clean all the tracks that we have traveled.

How to attract luck for money?

Cinnamon is the magnet that will allow us to connect with the energy of money so we must rub our hands with the cinnamon powder just like we did with the salt. As you do this, express to the universe that you want to attract financial well-being into your life and accept wealth. The expert suggests saying:

“I am a magnet to attract money, I am a magnet to attract wealth, I am a magnet to attract good luck, I am a magnet to attract fortune, I am a magnet to attract prosperity, I am a magnet to attract economic prosperity, I am a magnet to attract luxury and comfort, I am a magnet to attract economic profit, I am a magnet to attract financial success”.

Salt is responsible for unlocking the energy of money and cinnamon is the magnet we need to attract luck. When you finish with the ritual, do not wash your hands, let the cinnamon fall by itself.

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